Breast cancer – symptoms, treatment

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Breast cancer is a cancer of the mammary gland and as such is one of the most common cancers in women. Malignant variants constitute a large group among them, which cause multiplication of cancer cells. Early diagnosis allows you to avoid complications and metastases, which in turn gives a chance for a complete recovery.

  1. Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in women
  2. At first, the disease progresses silently, with no obvious symptoms. Very often, neoplastic changes are detected “by accident”
  3. Mammography and breast ultrasound are tests that are used to diagnose breast cancer. It is also important to perform a breast self-examination, which every woman should do once a month
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Breast cancer – what is it?

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that arises from the cells of the mammary gland. It is the most common cancer among Polish women. The incidence of breast cancer is highest among women between 55 and 65 years of age. The disease is also the cause of many deaths among women between 51 and 69 years of age. According to statistics, the greatest number of cases of breast cancer occurs in Mazowieckie and Śląskie voivodships.

Breast cancer develops initially without any obvious symptoms. Many women find out about the disease “by accident”. Ultrasound and mammography are used to diagnose the disease. Women are also advised to self-examine their breasts at least once a month. When the disease is detected early enough, it can be completely cured, even if it is an invasive cancer.

Symptoms of breast cancer

In the initial stage, the disease usually does not present any symptoms as it does not appear until a later stage. This is the reason why women should educate themselves on self-examination of the breast – the presence of any changes in the breast should be the reason for starting the diagnosis. As the disease develops, it is not uncommon for the breasts to change size and shape. The symptoms of breast cancer are:

  1. wrinkling or stretching of the breast skin,
  2. discharge from the nipple (also with blood),
  3. pain in the breast or in the breast area
  4. pulling out of the nipple,
  5. nipple ulcer
  6. ulceration of the skin on the breast
  7. enlargement of the axillary or supraclavicular nodes,
  8. expansion of the veins of the skin of the breast.

If you want to check how big the risk of cancer is in your case, order the e-Cancer package for women – Extended Genetic Testing. The package will include tests BRCA1 and BRCA2 – in the context of breast or ovarian cancer and comorbid cancers, including: colorectal cancer, stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer; PALB2 – in the context of having breast cancer; CHECK2 – risk assessment of breast, thyroid, colon and kidney cancer; NBN – risk of developing breast cancer; CDKN2A – the risk of developing pancreatic, breast, colorectal, lung and melanoma cancer.

Breast cancer diagnostic methods – mammography

The most popular diagnostic method for breast cancer is mammography. The examination takes little time and is a painless procedure for which the woman does not have to prepare in advance. Thanks to the examination, even microcalcifications can be detected. It also allows you to perform a biopsy of changes in the breast that raise doubts. For mammography to be effective, images must meet appropriate quality standards.

A mammogram should be started by women between the ages of 35 and 40. After the age of 50, they should be performed once a year, and earlier with a break of 2 years between examinations. Before the procedure, the patient should inform the doctor, inter alia, how old is she when she had her last period

On the day of the examination, do not use lotions, talcum powder, deodorant and creams in the area of ​​the upper body. It is a procedure for which you have to come with a referral, clichés and copies of similar tests, if any. Photographs taken during breast cancer screening should be evaluated by two radiologists to reduce the risk of an interpretation error.

During the examination for breast cancer, the woman places the breasts on a special plate and the radiologist puts a second plate on them in advance – the position of the plates changes later. In the second stage, the plates cover each breast from the side for a few seconds – just like during an X-ray. After the examination, the patient receives four films and a doctor’s description. It is worth starting the test after menstruation, when the breasts are less tense and less sensitive to pain.

Diagnostic methods of breast cancer – ultrasonography

Breast ultrasound is used to assess breast cancer and is used as part of an in-depth diagnosis. The ultrasound scanner consists of two devices – an ultrasonic wave receiver and an emitter. The emitter sends a wave of a certain frequency towards the test site. The wave propagates and reflects from the boundary of the examined place and returns to the receiver – the speed of the wave in various tissues is even 1540 m / s.

Breast ultrasound should be performed when any changes appear in the breast. However, whether a breast ultrasound or a mammogram should be performed depends also on the age of the woman – in the case of women between 35 and 40 years of age, it is better to opt for an ultrasound, because at this stage of life, glandular tissue that produces food is predominant. After the age of 40, mammography is more reliable and then it starts with it.

Before the breast ultrasound, the doctor interviews the patient and informs him about about your age, date of the last menstruation, possibly about breast operations, chronic diseases and medications taken. Later, the patient (the top is bare from the waist) is put on the couch and her hands are placed under her head, while the doctor examines the breasts using the ultrasound head.

Breast cancer – risk factors

One of the biggest risk factors of developing this disease is gender – in most cases women suffer from the disease. This is due to the fact that their cells are more exposed, e.g. to estrogen. Women with one or more family members who have had breast cancer are at greater risk. Risk factors are also genetic factors, age (risk increases after 50 years of age) and hormonal factors.

Do you want to find out if genetic risk factors for breast cancer apply to you? Perform a mail order genetic test for mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. The offer is available on the Medonet Market platform.

Treatment of breast cancer

The method of treating breast cancer depends on the stage of the disease, the degree of malignancy and the age of the woman – surgical methods, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy are used. In some cases, the procedure may be sparing, removing only the tumor, and sometimes radical, removing the breast (mastectomy). After the procedure, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used.

  1. Radiotherapy is a topical method of treating breast cancer. During the procedures, cancer cells are destroyed using the energy of ionizing radiation in a given area. Thanks to the use of precise planning systems, it is possible to concentrate most of the energy so as not to damage the adjacent tissues. Radiotherapy is one of the most commonly used treatments.
  2. Chemotherapy – is a method of cancer treatment that uses drugs that destroy cancer cells. Thanks to chemotherapy, it is possible to stop the development of disease cells, although at the same time there is a risk of damage to the healthy cells and the appearance of side effects of treatment. As part of chemotherapy, breast cancer is usually treated with intravenous drugs.
  3. Hormone therapy is a pharmacological method of treating breast cancer which, unlike chemotherapy, has fewer side effects. Thanks to it, it is possible to inhibit the growth of hormone-dependent neoplasms. Hormone therapy is the use of drugs that block the function of estrogens and prevents the further development of the tumor or its recurrence. It uses methods such as ablation. 

Breast cancer – prognosis

The prognosis of breast cancer depends, among other things, on on the stage of the disease, the degree of malignancy of the tumor and the presence of metastases, if any. In the first 5 years after cancer is detected in one breast, there is a risk of the disease coming back in the same breast or cancer in the other breast. Even after a unilateral mastectomy, MRTG of the healthy breast is indicated.

Check if you belong to the risk group. Perform a genetic test for the most common mutations for breast and ovarian cancer.

This may interest you:

  1. Breast cancer – read more about it
  2. Preventive removal of ovaries and breasts saves lives?
  3. A trivial ailment or a cancer? Ten symptoms you should worry about

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