Breast cancer likes alcohol. How much is dangerous?
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Drinking too much alcohol can have consequences. Researchers have repeatedly shown that people who drink have liver problems and are much more likely to be diagnosed with cancer. In the case of women, the probability of disturbing changes in the breasts increases significantly.

The study involved 22 black women recruited through the African American Breast Cancer Epidemiology and Risk Consortium. The amount of alcohol drunk was reported by the participants themselves (using questionnaires prepared by the researchers). The researchers used the logistic regression method to determine the relationship between alcohol consumption and the risk of developing breast cancer.

They found that the risk of breast cancer was starting to increase in women who drank seven drinks a week. In women who drank them in week 7, the risk of developing the disease was already 14%. higher than in those who were satisfied with 33 typical “portions” of alcohol.

In two other studies, which included a total of 11 women, it has been shown that the consumption of 6 g of pure alcohol per day significantly increases the risk of relapse in patients treated for breast cancer.

See also: Male breast cancer: diagnosis always comes as a shock

One drink is nothing wrong?

The risk of neoplastic changes is not limited to the breasts. It turns out that drinking alcohol (and smoking) can lead to the development of pancreatic cancer – a cancer that is usually asymptomatic for a long time and is detected too late when there is little treatment available. Alcoholics and smokers develop this cancer about 10 years earlier than others. It may be a consolation that after 10 years of quitting the addiction, the risk is the same as for a person who has never drunk alcohol.

Drinking alcohol too often promotes head and neck cancers (mouth, tongue, lip, throat and nose). According to specialists, the increase in morbidity in Poland is not only the result of consuming too much alcohol. Part of the blame falls on HPV, which is spread through oral sex.

The latest research published in the Journal of Dermatology shows that alcohol contributes to the formation of lesions typical of melanoma. Although this type of cancer is mainly associated with overexposure to the sun, tests conducted by Italian scientists have shown that the skin of drinkers is more susceptible to the harmful effects of the sun, and therefore their cells more often mutate and turn into cancer. According to a study by Dr. Eva Negri at the University of Milan, just one drink a day in the sun increases the risk of developing melanoma by 20 percent.

A formidable opponent

Although alcohol is a widely available stimulant, it is also a poison that can mess up in our body. The presence of percentages in the daily diet is a simple path to obesity, heart problems or depression. People who do not shy away from the glass are more likely to struggle with insomnia and catch the infection faster. Alcohol also affects the skeletal system, which does not regenerate so quickly in a fracture. The percentages also damage the nervous system and memory. Even a one-time alcohol-induced loss of consciousness leaves a mark. A study published in The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that people aged 50-60 who have a problem with alcohol later in life are twice as likely to have memory problems than non-drinking peers. another drink.

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