Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women – the importance of prevention. Mammography can save your life

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“I knew immediately that something was wrong,” said Olivia Newton-John, revealing the details of her fight against cancer for the first time. For years, Gwiazda has been struggling with breast cancer, the most common malignant tumor in women around the world. In Poland, over 18,5 thousand. women learn about the disease, more than 6,6 thousand of them die. Why is this happening when breast cancer can be cured?

  1. Olivia Newton-John, the star of the cult musical “Grease”, has been struggling with breast cancer for years. She had heard the diagnosis three times
  2. Breast cancer is the second (after lung cancer) cause of death in Polish women. Meanwhile, detected early – it is curable
  3. The most important screening test for finding breast cancer early is mammography
  4. Polish women neglect this study. According to the National Health Test of Poles, over the last two years this study was performed by 36 percent. female respondents aged 45–54 and 68 percent. respondents aged 55–64
  5. According to the recommendations of the Polish Cancer Society, every woman should have her breasts examined once a month. As for mammography, it is recommended for women: from 40 to 50 – once every 2 years; after the age of 50 – once a year; between 50 and 69 years of age – all women who have not developed breast cancer should be screened
  6. For more up-to-date information on the coronavirus epidemic, visit the TvoiLokony home page

Olivia Newton-John on cancer: I knew immediately that something was wrong

Olivia Newton-John, the star of the cult musical “Grease”, in which she starred with John Travolta, has been struggling with breast cancer for years. She had heard the diagnosis three times. For the first time in 1992. Then she managed to overcome the disease. In 2013, it was found that the cancer had returned and it had metastasized. However, this time she managed to recover from the disease. Five years later, the actress revealed that she once again faced cancer. Olivia Newton-John, 72, is still struggling to recover (the cancer has reached the fourth stage).

On October 6, the star announced the establishment of a foundation supporting people fighting cancer. For the first time, she also decided to reveal the details of her fight against breast cancer. «I knew immediately that something was wrong» she said. After the mammogram, at her request, a breast biopsy was performed which led to the diagnosis of breast cancer. “I am not saying this to scare women, but you just have to trust your instincts”, emphasizes the actress.

  1. This cancer still takes Polish women

Shannen Doherty, aka Brenda from the Beverly Hills 90210 series, is also battling breast cancer. In February this year, the star announced that he had recurrent breast cancer, which is in the fourth stage. She found out about the disease in 2015. «Anyone can get cancer. This disease does not choose! » – she warned.

Should Polish women fear cancer? The disturbing results of the National Health Test of Poles 2020

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and as statistics show, Poland is a country with an increasing incidence and mortality rate. (with zakampanią »BreastFit – Feminine Bust. Male Affair»). Why? One of the more important reasons was revealed by the National Health Test of Poles 2020 prepared by Medonet: women do not perform preventive examinations that would help detect cancer at an early stage.

The most important screening test for breast cancer is mammography. Meanwhile, the National Test of Poles conducted by Medonet shows that Polish women neglect this test, even though it allows early detection of up to 90-95 percent. cancerous changes and save a life.

It turns out that in the last two years this study was performed by 36%. female respondents aged 45–54 and 68 percent. respondents aged 55–64.

It is also not optimistic about breast ultrasound, which is recommended once a year for women up to 30 years of age. Meanwhile, as many as half of the women in the survey admitted that they had never done this survey. In the last 12 months, only 17% of them have had it. Polish women. Breast self-examination, instead of – according to the recommendations – once a month, women usually perform only a few times a year.

Mammography – what is this test?

Mammography is one of the most important screening tests for breast cancer. It is used to detect early neoplastic changes in women who do not report disturbing breast symptoms. This test is also used in the diagnosis of breast diseases in people who have felt a lump in them, or have noticed breast pain or leakage of discharge from the nipple.

What is mammography? This is a low-dose x-ray that can detect any changes in your breasts. This test is one of the most important in diagnosing early-stage breast cancer. It can detect changes up to two years before it happens in a self-examination or breast exam by a gynecologist.

  1. Mammography – how to interpret the results?

Remember, mammography saves lives, because breast cancer diagnosed early is curable.

In the UK, “all women aged 50 to 71 who are registered with a GP are invited to breast cancer screening every three years,” the National Health Service website reads (NHS is the British equivalent of the Polish NFZ).

Analyzes by scientists from Queen Mary University of London suggest that they have shown that these screening tests should include women from the age of 40. Analyzes carried out as part of the 23-year program show that “screening at the age of 40, not 50, can save lives”.

A team of scientists from a London university analyzed the data of 160. women aged 39 to 41 who were randomly assigned to the annual breast screening or waited to qualify for screening by the National Health Service for women in their 50s. The ladies were recruited into the project in 1990-1997, when the technologies and methods of treatment were not at the level they are today.

What did the analyzes show? Among the women who started the study around the age of 40, 83 deaths were recorded, and 219 women died in the group that studied later in life. According to the lead researcher, prof. Stephen Duffy, having the screening tests early could save a life. – The continuation of the long-term project confirms that screening in women before the age of 50 can save their lives. The benefit is mostly visible in the first 10 years, but the decline in mortality continues in the long run, with an average of one life saved per XNUMX patients screened, it estimates.

  1. Tumors that kill fastest

Some scientists are more cautious in drawing conclusions. Emeritus professor of applied statistics, Kevin McConway, notes that “the mortality estimates from breast cancer are not very precise, despite the fact that 160 people participated in the study. women ». Anthony B Miller of the Dall Lan Public Health School at the University of Toronto in Canada indicated that the study did not include a control group (people who were not tested).

Certainly, the research of scientists has sparked the debate over what age a woman would be eligible for breast cancer screening.

Who can perform free mammography in Poland?

«Every year in Poland over 18,5 women develop breast cancer, and over 6,6 thous. of them die (…) and 1/3 of them could be saved if they were diagnosed early enough – As we read on the website of the campaign «BreastFit – Feminine Bust. The Male Affair »: The problem lies both on the system side and on the consciousness side».

  1. Mammography (MRTG) – indications, preparations, course. At what age should I go for the examination?

According to the recommendations of the Polish Cancer Society, every woman should have her breasts examined once a month. As for mammography, it is recommended for women: from 40 to 50 – once every 2 years; after the age of 50 – once a year; between 50 and 69 years of age – all women who have not developed breast cancer should be screened.

Every two years, women aged 50-69 can have a free mammogram as part of a preventive screening program.

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