Breast cancer: is it possible to save the breast

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Breast removal during such a diagnosis is a common practice: as a rule, the chances of recovery are increased. Is it possible to completely get rid of the tumor while preserving both breasts?

We talked about this with Elena: she went through breast cancer treatment, in which the doctors limited themselves to only removing the malignant tumor.

Like many women 50+, Elena tried to monitor her health, especially the condition of the mammary glands: at this age, the risk of developing breast cancer significantly increases. Regular mammography has firmly established itself on the list of annual screenings. Once one of the planned visits to the mammologist fell on the same dates as the trip to Vienna, to visit my sister and her family. Elena asked her relatives to find her a good clinic for examination right in the Austrian capital, because she knew that medicine in this country was at the highest level, and was not at all worried. But during mammography in Vienna private clinic Something went wrong…

Elena, was this a routine diagnostic procedure?

Yes, sure. It was 2015, I was 52, and I came for a routine mammogram, which had to be done according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor. During the procedure, a lesion was found, and a subsequent biopsy confirmed that the lesion was malignant. I will forever remember the diagnosis: invasive hormone-independent breast cancer with a high HER2 / neu tumor growth aggression factor.

At what stage was the disease detected?

There were no metastases yet, but the lymph nodes were greatly enlarged. This meant that it was impossible to hesitate and delay the operation: it was necessary to remove the tumor as soon as possible, undergo “chemotherapy” and radiation.

Did you know that you will not have your breasts removed?

No, what are you, I was preparing for the fact that the mammary gland will be removed completely. While the examinations were going on, I, of course, read about breast cancer on the Internet and knew that if an operation is performed, then the breast must be removed – just to be sure that there are no cancer cells left in the mammary gland. The breast is usually saved only if cancer is detected at a very early stage and surgery is not required at all.

Why did your doctors decide to save the mammary gland and remove only the tumor itself?

The Vienna Private Clinic has Oncology Center, where they were going to do the operation for me. I think that excellent specialists work there, who are always ready for non-standard solutions. I heard that local surgeons work miracles, even if the case is almost hopeless. And my case was pretty common, except that the doctor decided to keep my breasts and allow me not only to recover, but also to remain an attractive woman.

How was the operation, treatment?

Before surgery, the tumor was reduced using chemotherapy and immunotherapy, and its growth was stopped using trastuzumab and pertuzumab antibodies – the effectiveness of this treatment regimen has been confirmed by modern clinical studies. Only after that an operation was prescribed, during which the surgeons removed the tumor bed, preserving the breast. After a while, the mammary gland underwent radiation therapy to prevent the tumor from returning for sure.

Did it all work out?

For a long time I didn’t believe that it was possible either! But yes, it worked out. Just recently, an “alarming” three years have passed: the period in which breast cancer recurs most often. I feel good, all the tests are excellent, and the doctors unanimously assure me that you can relax and return to normal life – there is no more cancer.

And how do you get back to normal life?

Those who go through this disease change forever. I am incredibly lucky – I am not only alive and well, but also preserved both mammary glands. I enjoy every day and thank the wonderful doctors from Vienna private clinicwho gave me this opportunity to rejoice. And I would also like to appeal to all the women who will read the interview: my dears, dear ones, please do not be lazy to do examinations regularly! Everything is fixable if the disease is detected in time and you trust good surgeons.

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