Breast Cancer Drug Help Treat Mucosal Melanoma?

Scientists from Melanoma Institute Australia and The University of Sydney, conducting international research, discovered a variety of genetic factors for mucosal melanoma and determined possible treatments.

Mucosal melanoma is a fairly rare neoplasm, the causes of which lie in changes in melanocytes. It occurs on the surface of tissues in the mouth, gastrointestinal areas, and genitals. Virtually less than 20 percent. patients survive 5 years after diagnosis.

The technology used by the researchers was based on genome sequencing. To understand the genetic error in the tumor, researchers analyzed mucosal melanoma samples from patients in China, Australia, Europe and the USA.

The medical journal Nature Communications published a study that showed that one specific inhibitor currently used in the treatment of breast cancer – the CDK4 / 6 inhibitor (cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6) – may prove effective in selected patients with mucosal melanoma .

– The study revealed that the currently available class of drugs commonly used in the treatment of breast cancer looks promising in the treatment of mucosal melanoma – emphasized Prof. Richard Scolyer, study director and medical director of MIA.

This test could be the starting point for halting melanoma deaths. The next goal of researchers is to create a clinical trial that will allow for testing given classes of drugs and their effectiveness.


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