Breast Cancer: Breast Mammography

Modern diagnostic methods allow detecting early forms of diseases and successfully treating them. Let us consider in more detail the methods of diagnosis and examination of the breast.

1. Mammography Is the most popular method. It is considered the most informative method in the examination of the mammary glands. Thanks to special amplifying screens, the doctor gets a complete picture. Mammographic examination must be performed once every 1 years for women from 2 years old, after 40 years – once a year. The method has a number of contraindications: lactating mothers, pregnant women and women under 50 are included in this list. The best time to have a mammogram is between the seventh and tenth days of your menstrual cycle. The process itself is rather painless – X-rays of the mammary glands in two projections are performed on a special apparatus. If necessary, sighting radiographs with magnification are taken. The advantage of this method is that it can detect very small tumors that the doctor did not feel during the examination (tumors less than 35 mm are not detected on palpation). But there is also a drawback – mammography gives the same image of both malignant and benign tumors. Therefore, if any formation is found, it is better to undergo an ultrasound examination.

2. Ultrasound examination one of the most basic methods for examining the breasts of women under 35-40 years of age, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. That is, those for whom mammography is contraindicated. Ultrasound gives a fairly complete picture: it determines changes in the structure of the mammary gland, identifies tumors, differentiating into benign and malignant, and also reveals microscopic cysts.

3. Ductography of the mammary gland. This method is used when nipple discharge is detected. Ductography is aimed at examining the ducts of the mammary gland after the introduction of a contrast agent into them. The study proceeds in this way: the area of ​​the areola and nipple is treated with alcohol, then the external opening of the secerinating milk duct is found. A thin needle with a blunt end is inserted into it to a depth of 5–8 mm, through which a special substance is injected into the duct until a feeling of slight swelling or mild soreness appears. The analysis of the images makes it possible to judge the shape, outlines, defects of the filling of the ducts.

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