Breast cancer also affects men. It appears very rarely

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Breast cancer is usually discussed in the context of women. They are the ones most likely to develop this type of cancer. Meanwhile, men are also at risk of breast cancer. In their case, this tumor occurs very rarely, but it is just as dangerous.

  1. Breast cancer is only mentioned in the context of female cancers. Most men are unaware that this cancer can attack them as well
  2. Due to the rarity of the disease, breast cancer in men is diagnosed quite late, which significantly reduces the chances of effective treatment.
  3. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Male breast cancer

Craig Law was 39 years old when doctors diagnosed him with breast cancer. As he admits, he had no idea that this type of cancer could also affect men. In one of the interviews he said that he felt that the disease was an attack on his manhood. Craig is an athletic man who loves to play football and ride a motorcycle. He didn’t think he could get any cancer.

He ignored the symptoms for a long time. From the moment he felt strange lump in the area of ​​his chest12 months had passed by the time he saw his doctor. Craig was concerned that the lump was growing. After ultrasound and biopsy, it turned out that a tumor was developing in the man’s body.

Craig had a mastectomy and had several lymph nodes removed. He also had to undergo a round of chemotherapy. The cancer was in remission for seven years, but then it came back. Doctors found another one a lump in the tissue under the armpitas well as new ones lumps in the lungs. Another treatment began – radiation, chemotherapy and surgery. The tumors disappeared, but returned with redoubled strength after another 5 years. There is also a new one metastasis in the brain. Craig is still struggling 14 years after his first diagnosis.

Symptoms and risk factors for male breast cancer

Male breast cancer is very rare. It is less than 1 percent. malignant tumors. The incidence has remained at the same level for many years. Due to its rarity, male breast cancer is diagnosed rather late, which reduces the chances of effective treatment.

Read also:

  1. Tumors of the testicles – types, causes, symptoms, treatment
  2. Prostate cancer. Should you be afraid of laparoscopic surgery?
  3. Cancer markers for men – diagnostic tests

Causes of male breast cancer

Male lumps are most often located behind the nipple. The reasons for their formation are not entirely clear, but specialists have distinguished a few risk factors that may contribute to the disease. One of them is age. In men before the age of 35, the risk of developing the disease is minimal and amounts to 0,1 per 100. people After the age of 85, this indicator amounts to 6,5 per 100 thousand. people. The second factor is the genetic burden, which, however, is much lower for men than for women.

Hormonal changes are an important factor that increases male breast cancer risk. A high concentration of estrogens with a lowered concentration of androgens is unfavorable for a man. Hormone fluctuations may appear in the presence of liver disorders and when taking hormonal drugs.

The condition of the testicles also affects the occurrence of breast cancer in men. The risk increases with chronic inflammation, non-descent and testicular amputation. Among other risk factors, doctors also distinguish: previous neoplasms, environmental factors (work at high temperature), the appearance of benign changes in the breasts, mechanical injuries and late adolescence.

Symptoms of breast cancer in men

A typical symptom of this tumor is a lump located behind the nipple. In rare cases, it appears on the upper side of the breast. Other symptoms are also typical of breast cancer developing in women. There may be unusual discharge from the nipple and the nipple itself becomes drawn in and may ulcerate. There is also pain in the breast for no apparent reason and itching of the skin. As the disease progresses, the lymph nodes also become enlarged.


Breast cancer in men, as in women, most often metastasizes to the lungs, liver, brain and bones.

Although this type of cancer is really rare in men, it is important to know what the symptoms are so that you can react and start treatment in time.


  1. Oncologists: most cancers in Poland are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle
  2. Seven genetic diseases that mainly affect men
  3. How long do Poles live today? Men still shorter than women [INFOGRAPHIC]

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