Breast and décolleté skin care

It is generally accepted that age is given out by the hands and neck. Experts add to the list one more area of ​​the body that is clearly visible under certain circumstances – the neckline. The skin here requires special care. Now we’ll tell you which one.

Skin aging in the décolleté area

Breast and décolleté skin care is often forgotten. In everyday life, this part of the body is rarely flaunted. But it is worth buying an evening dress with a deep neckline – and the need for care becomes more than obvious. Here there were wrinkles at the collarbones, a crease lay in the hollow of the chest, and the skin itself does not differ in radiance and good tone.

Decollete skin is very vulnerable and prone to premature aging. Here, signs of age may appear a little earlier than in other parts of the body, due to some anatomical and physiological features.

Distinctive features of the décolleté skin

  • The only muscle that supports the skin in this area is the subcutaneous muscle of the neck, which, by the way, quickly weakens without proper physical activity.

  • The bust is not supported by any muscles.

  • The condition of the breast skin is affected by hormonal surges during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Weight gain or, conversely, a sharp weight loss also significantly affect its appearance.

The skin of the chest and décolleté is prone to early aging © L’Oreal

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How to keep the skin of the decollete young

Here are some habits that you should give up in order to wear low-cut outfits without any complexes.

Do not tan topless

Not that Puritans have gathered on our site. But we do not get tired of repeating to readers – sunbathing is harmful. And especially if you expose the most vulnerable part of the body to the scorching sun.

Ultraviolet is merciless: it causes early wrinkles, dryness and hyperpigmentation. And if right after the end of the beach season you don’t notice anything like that, then after a few years, don’t be surprised to notice sagging skin on the décolleté and dark spots. This is reminiscent of a passion for sunbathing.

Don’t forget to protect your skin in the city

Of course, not everyone will decide to move closer to nature in order to keep the skin fresh and youthful. But even in the city you can resist unfavorable ecology. One way is cosmetics with antioxidants:

  • vitamins C and E;

  • extracts of grapes and green tea;

  • polyphenols and coenzyme Q10.

Antioxidants can help your skin fight free radicals and counteract the oxidative stress they cause.

Avoid stress

Keep in mind that stress can be not only oxidative, but also quite everyday. Lack of sleep, nervous situation in the family and at work, depressed emotional state 24/7 first of all are reflected on the skin, and the décolleté is no exception. Keep this in mind and master the techniques of meditation.

Lead an active lifestyle

We learned from childhood that movement is life. But how this relates to the condition of the skin, we were not told. In fact, everything is simple, an active lifestyle allows you to:

  • saturate skin cells with oxygen;

  • improve cellular metabolism;

  • increase tone.

Decollete skin aging factors – topless tanning, stress and a sedentary lifestyle © L’Oreal

Change your diet

You’ve probably already heard of “wine”, “sugar” and “milk” faces – the types of appearance that you can get if you abuse the appropriate products. This also applies to the skin of the decollete.

  • Sugar causes glycation – gluing of collagen fibers responsible for skin elasticity.

  • Wine rightly blamed for the appearance of dehydration and swelling.

  • Milk – in the provocation of inflammatory processes in the body.

Adjust the diet so that it is dominated by fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, sour-milk products and fatty fish.

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Stages of breast and décolleté skin care

In order for the skin in this area to remain smooth and elastic for as long as possible, care must be no less thorough than for the skin of the face.

  • Purification

    Everything is simple here: take a shower – cleanse the skin of the decollete. Choose for this purpose non-aggressive gels and foams that do not dry the skin.

  • Exfoliation

    Exfoliate regularly: the fewer dead skin particles, the fresher and smoother the skin will remain. Any soft scrub will do, preferably one based on oils. Apply it with smoothing circular motions, use 1-2 times a week.

  • Toning

    Use the same toner as for the face. It will complete the cleansing process, refresh, and facilitate the penetration of the cream components.

  • Anti-aging care

    Many brands produce special products designed for the bust. Don’t overlook them: their textures are light, the formulas are designed with the needs of this delicate area in mind. They smooth the relief of the skin and make it more elastic.

  • humidification

    The main tool that you need to care for the décolleté area is a moisturizer or milk. It can be a product for the face or body, the main thing is the composition and functionality.

Many brands produce products specifically for breast skin care. © L’Oreal

The moisturizer should:

  • quickly absorbed so that you can dress immediately after application;

  • do not leave greasy stains on clothes;

  • take care of your skin.

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Features of décolleté skin care at different ages

Starting to take care of the skin of the decollete, consider your age.

After 20 years

The aging process will not let you know about yourself for quite some time, so focus on cleansing, moisturizing. Your choice during this period is light textures of milk and fluid cream, formulas with moisturizing ingredients.

After 40 years

A decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin has already declared itself, the first signs of sagging appear, and after a night’s sleep (especially on the side), folds appear on the skin. They, of course, are smoothed out a couple of hours after waking up, but tonic care products will not interfere. Pay attention to creams with modeling and lifting action.

In the composition look for:

  • hyaluronic acid for moisturizing and smoothing wrinkles;

  • vitamin C for elasticity;

  • peptides as an anti-aging ingredient;

  • oils and plant extracts.

After 50 years

To reduce the rate of renewal and recovery processes, such a state of the body as menopause is added. An imbalance of hormones leads to the fact that the skin becomes flabby, dry, thinned. For the decollete area, already vulnerable, this is a fatal blow. To mitigate its consequences, enhanced care will be required.

Connect to the process of care special means labeled “during the menopause”, such are, for example, in the assortment of Vichy.

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Prevention of decollete skin aging

The natural aging process cannot be stopped, but its signs can be delayed. In addition to cosmetics, some preventive techniques will help you.

One of the methods for preventing breast skin aging is a contrast shower. © L’Oreal

Cold and hot shower

That’s just not necessary to immediately rush under the jets of scalding hot and extremely cold water. Start small: direct the shower jet to the chest area and massage as if drawing a “figure eight”. Change the temperature regime gently: from warm water to cool, without sudden changes. Session time is 5-10 minutes.


Sometimes décolleté care is included in facial procedures: the skin is cleansed, massaged with cream or oil, and a mask is applied. In the salons there are also special programs for breast skin care. Ideally, the cosmetologist’s office is visited 1-2 times a week for a month, and then the course is repeated every six months.

Self massage

It is very simple to massage the décolleté area on your own: look at the illustrations below and remember the movements.

© L’Oreal

© L’Oreal


The most famous and effective exercise for the skin of the chest.

  1. Stand up straight.

  2. Fold your palms in front of you at chest level, elbows apart.

  3. Press your palms firmly against each other.

  4. Hold your palms in this position for 5-7 seconds.

  5. Repeat 10 times.

This exercise will help strengthen that very single muscle that keeps the chest from sagging, and the skin in this area from losing tone.

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Overview of breast and décolleté skin care products


Soothing shower gel Lipikar Gel Lavant, La Roche-Posay

The gel without fragrances and parabens is suitable even for sensitive skin, delicately cleanses without causing irritation and flaking.

Nourishing Body Scrub “Precious Beauty Scrub”, Garnier

The product with precious oils and natural exfoliating particles gently removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, providing moisture and radiance.


Melting body milk with mango butter, Garnier

The velvety texture is instantly absorbed and moisturizes the skin for up to 7 days, the formula with bifido complex and mango butter softens and protects.

Intensive regenerating nourishing body milk Nutrix Royal Body, Lancôme

The formula based on peptides and hazelnut extract increases the protective barrier of the skin, nourishes and saturates it with lipids. Instantly eliminates the feeling of tightness, softens.

Sun protection

Soleil Bronzer Body Cream, SPF 30, Lancôme

The formula with the Mexoryl filter system protects against UV rays type A and B; nutritious. components help to recover after exposure to the sun.

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