Breast after childbirth: how to maintain and restore elasticity? Video

Breast after childbirth: how to maintain and restore elasticity? Video

During pregnancy, a woman should take very careful care of her figure in order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks and other imperfections. However, even after the birth of a baby, you need to find at least 10-15 minutes a day in order to preserve the beauty of the breast and gradually return it to its former shape.

Effective massage to restore breast elasticity

Every time you shower, do a water massage for at least five minutes. It is not difficult: it is enough to choose a strong pressure and perform circular movements, “massaging” the chest with jets of water. This will help not only restore beauty to your bust, but also avoid the occurrence of lactostasis, i.e. diseases in which milk stagnates.

To make the massage even more effective, turn on alternately warm and cold water. A contrast shower is useful not only for the figure, but also for health.

At least 2-3 times a week, you should massage your breasts using a special scrub. Such products gently cleanse the skin and tighten it, and also improve blood microcirculation. Buy breast scrubs from well-known manufacturers, pay special attention to their choice. After using such products, it is recommended to apply a special cream with a tightening effect to the skin, gently kneading the bust. Please note: the procedure should be performed at least one hour before the next feeding session. Before giving your baby a breast, rinse it so that no cream remains on the skin.

Cryomassage is a good option. Prepare ice cubes using a special mold and spend 3-4 minutes each day massaging them on your chest. Perform circular motions towards the nipples. If you want to make the procedure more effective, do not use water for the procedure, but a frozen herbal chamomile decoction.

Compresses that restore the beauty of the female breast

Compresses are recommended 4-5 times a week. It is very easy to use and effective tool, the use of which will take a minimum of your time and effort. By using it, you will be able to avoid measures such as a surgical facelift.

A decoction of chamomile works effectively. It is very simple to prepare it: buy chamomile flowers at the pharmacy and follow the instructions on the package. In the finished and cooled broth, you need to moisten cotton swabs or a small soft towel, and then make a compress and leave for 10-15 minutes. At this time, you can do other things, which is very convenient for a young mother.

Instead of chamomile, you can take dried rose hips. You can also alternate between these teas to determine which one gives the best effect in your case.

Slices of lemon and cucumber help to restore the beautiful shape of the breast. They should be placed on the skin and left on for 15–20 minutes. After that, the slices should be removed, and the chest should be rinsed with cool water. It is also advisable to apply a cream with a tightening effect to the skin after the procedure.

How to maintain the beauty of your breasts during lactation

The opinion that breastfeeding harms the female figure is nothing more than a myth. In fact, timely regular feeding, on the contrary, helps to gradually restore the beautiful shape of the breast and prevent it from sagging.

After giving birth, you will need special support bras with detachable cups. They will perfectly support the breasts even while feeding. Choosing the right underwear will help you quickly and easily solve the problem of deterioration of your figure, as well as avoid stretch marks.

Choose different feeding positions. The fact is that milk quickly leaves those areas of the breast, to which the child is pressed with his chin or arms. Regularly changing postures, you can achieve a uniform “release” of the breast from milk, avoid the development of lactostasis and sagging of the bust.

Restore the shape of the breasts

Proper nutrition for a beautiful figure

To restore the beauty of your breasts after childbirth, you need to monitor your diet and choose the right foods. First of all, you should give preference to dishes rich in vitamin E. The best option in this case is vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil. These meals will provide your body with healthy vitamins and minerals. In addition, thanks to the oil, the skin will become more elastic and beautiful, and it will be much easier to protect it from stretch marks and sagging.

It is important that you do not experience any lack of vitamins A, B, C

Choose foods that are rich in them. Do not forget that you need to not only provide your body with vitamins, but also take care of the quality of milk so that your baby grows up healthy. If you doubt that you were able to formulate the diet correctly, seek advice from a specialist.

It is also worth choosing suitable vitamin complexes. They will help you restore the elasticity of the breasts, preventing them from sagging, improve the condition of the skin, and increase the volume of the fat layer that forms the bust. When choosing the appropriate option, it is recommended to consult your doctor. The fact is that some vitamins are poorly absorbed when there is a deficiency of useful minerals in the body, so you may need additional medications. By the way, the right choice of vitamin complexes will also help you to strengthen your bones, hair and nails.

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