Bream: useful properties, calories

Among all ichthy inhabitants there are less and more common, in addition, anglers divide their trophies into desirable and not very desirable ones. There is a whole subdivision of hunters who prefer to catch one species, the purpose of their hunting is bream, the benefits and harms of which in edible form should be studied by us in more detail.

Description of the trophy

Bream is classified as carp, it is their most common representative. On the territory of Russia, you can find different subspecies that will differ in body color and size, you can find out more in one of the articles on our website. The general description is:

  • body shape flattened, round;
  • the head is small relative to the body;
  • bulging eyes;
  • the mouth is small, ends with a tube;
  • the color of the European subspecies is bronze, the young is silver.

The fins of individuals at any age are grayish with a dark border at the end. A feature is the hunchbacked back.

A representative of cyprinids is widespread in all reservoirs of the middle zone, it was artificially brought to the Krasnoyarsk reservoir and the Yenisei, where it adapted perfectly and bred. Prefers to exist in deep places with minimal current. You can find it both in large rivers with significant depths, and in lakes and reservoirs.

Anglers call young individuals bream, and large sexually mature chebak.

It is a schooling fish, spends most of its time at depth, comes to the shore in early spring and at night in search of food. Its diet includes both animal and plant foods. Fishing is carried out depending on the season:

  • corn, pearl barley, mastyrka work better with warm water;
  • in the cold, the bream will respond better to the worm, maggot, bloodworm and a variety of sandwiches from them.

It is imperative to feed the fish before fishing and on time, otherwise fishing may not happen at all.

Methods of preparation and processing

With the right approach and with an experienced mentor, anyone can learn to catch bream without any problems. But what to do with the catch? How to cook this representative of carp? Will one or another form of processing bream bring benefit or harm to the body?

Bream: useful properties, calories

Fish is prepared in different ways, it is better to dwell on each of them in more detail, this will make it possible to study the calorie content of the dish.


Dried bream is the most popular among consumers, the benefits and harms of which are of little concern to anyone. This is a very tasty addition to beer, and even without a foamy drink, fish is consumed with pleasure. In this form, bream is especially appreciated in Russia, Germany and Israel, in other countries the representative of cyprinids is less in demand.

They are prepared both on an industrial scale at special enterprises and at home. It must first be salted, and then strictly observe the already established technology in order to get a real delicacy to the table. The nutritional value is:

  • proteins 42 g;
  • fats 5,9 g
  • carbohydrates 0.

A delicacy loved by many, namely dried bream, the calorie content is only 221 Kcal per 100 g of the product, provided that the processing is carried out correctly.


The easiest way, and even more familiar, is to simply fry the fish, but for bream this is not the best way to cook. The fat content of the carp representative is quite high, the addition of vegetable oil will only reduce the levels of omega-3 and omega-6 in its meat. Fried bream has a good taste, calorie content is 128 Kcal per 100 g of product. The nutritional value of fried fish has the following indicators:

  • proteins 13,7 g;
  • fats 10,5 g;
  • carbohydrates 3,7 g.

If you fry bream, then only in olive oil with a minimum addition of salt.


Often on the shelves of stores there is also a dried type of this fish. The taste is excellent, most often such a product is bought for beer, but there are lovers to nibble on it.

Few people undertake to dry in large volumes; small fish shops, as well as amateur fishermen at home, are more often engaged in this processing method.


The nutritional value of the product is approximately similar to dried, the indicators are as follows:

  • proteins 40 g;
  • fats 4 g;
  • carbohydrates 0.

Dried bream has a calorie content of 196 K cal for every 100 g of the product.


There are also lovers of salted bream, as a rule, individuals caught in early autumn lend themselves to such processing. It is during this period that the fish begins to store fat for the winter, the meat becomes softer and juicier, which is best suited for such cooking.

Not small fish are chosen for salting, the bream will be bony, which will significantly reduce the pleasure when consumed. But individuals from 2 kg or more for this purpose are considered the best option.

Such a delicacy as salted bream has a calorie content of 197 units for every 100 g of product. The nutritional value is within the following limits:

  • proteins 38 g;
  • fats 5 g;
  • carbohydrates 0.

The indicators show that this processing method is close to drying and drying.


For baking, young scavengers are undesirable, after cooking they will be a bit dry, and small bones will not go anywhere. Even if you cook in a sleeve or foil, the condition of small fish will not improve. Individuals from 1,5 kg and more are excellent options, while the process is carried out both under the grill and in a sleeve or foil.

The calorie content of baked bream is 107 Kcal per 100 g of the product, while the nutritional value is as follows:

  • proteins 21 g;
  • fats 5,6 g;
  • carbohydrates 0,6 g.

Adding oil, even olive oil, is not recommended when baking, but putting some vegetables next to the fish is worth it.


Fish processed in this way is recommended for dietary nutrition, often given to children and the elderly. Once again, I would like to focus on the fact that it is worth choosing large individuals for cooking, it is simply impossible to select all the small bones from the underbream.

Boiled bream is perfect for cooking fish soup, and cooked in a double boiler will be no less tasty. Boiled bream has about 100 calories per 126 g.

The nutritional value of a serving of the same weight is as follows:

  • proteins 21 g;
  • fats 4 g;
  • carbohydrates 0.

Depending on the age of the fish, the amount of fat may fluctuate slightly upwards.


The benefits of bream caviar are undeniable, the product is very healthy and tasty, there are few who refuse such a delicacy. Cooking can be done in many ways, the most common are salting and frying. Here the calorie content of the product will fluctuate, but only slightly. It is best to present these indicators in a table:

the nutritional valuesalted caviarfried caviar
proteins29 g30 g
fats5,6 g5,8 g
carbohydrates0 g0 g
calorific value167 Kcal173 Kcal

The figures are given for each 100 g of the product.

It is not enough to cook this representative of carp, knowing the calorie content, because every component of a human meal should be beneficial. What useful properties does bream have? Who and in what quantities can consume this fish?

Benefit and harm

Fish is useful for everyone, without exception, the vitamins and minerals contained in it help prevent many diseases, and in some cases they significantly improve the well-being of the sick person. The bream is considered a fatty freshwater fish, he lost the championship to the beluga, while he himself is an honorable second. In terms of taste, he left pike, zander and perch far behind.

Bream: useful properties, calories

Among all the subspecies, the Azov autumn catches are highly valued, they contain the following usefulness in much larger quantities:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • omega-3 fatty acids;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • chlorine;
  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • molybdenum;
  • nickel.

Vitamins are also worth highlighting:

  • IN 1;
  • IN 2;
  • WITH;
  • E;
  • PP;
  • A.

There are others, but in much smaller numbers. Enough in fish and vitamin D, which perfectly strengthens the bones.

The meat of this fish is suitable for everyone, with the exception of individual intolerance to fish oil by the human body, but this happens extremely rarely. This is what is referred to as negative properties, it is also worth including smoked bream here, carcinogens from fish will adversely affect the work of many organs. You can use smoked meat, but it should be done in a very limited amount and not often.

Based on the information received, to the question “Is the bream oily fish or not?” the answer is only positive. This type of carp is fatty, which is useful for humans, while the rest of the nutritional qualities are excellent. The bream is more useful than harmful.

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