Bream fishing is a special matter, but this does not mean at all that the difficulties of this type of fishing cannot be solved. On the contrary, our task is to reveal the wisdom of feeder fishing for the most beautiful and delicious commercial fish. After all, whatever one may say, one also wants to catch bream in the fall, and a true fisherman will not miss this period.
Starting from September, the fish behaves a little differently, and fishing in open reservoirs and in rivers is slightly different. Today we’ll talk about feeder fishing for bream in September and find out what he likes to eat at this time, when it’s better to go fishing and which rivers will show their best side.
Cold snap and casting sites
The golden time is the motivation to pull a real monster ashore – a bream over 1,5 kilograms. That’s really if you’re lucky, so lucky! A 3-5 kg trophy is an enviable dream of any angler. But you can’t rely on luck alone, the representative of cyprinids is a smart fish that can bypass the “enemy” in the person of the fisherman on the tenth road and, having studied the bait, take the whole flock with it.
True, if you arm yourself with information and the lion’s share of patience, fishing can not only end successfully, but also begin with a catch of a large individual. This can be seen in many examples from the video on how bream is pulled on the Oka River, for example. The main thing is to choose a good place where there will be both eyebrows and pits about 3 – 8 meters or a shell rock. The bream loves muddy places and feeds, skillfully making its way into various depressions on the bottom. Looking for bream in wetlands with mud and small holes is a waste of time.
The bream feels the beginning of a cold snap like no other. This is the period when the fish has already spawned, it has nowhere to rush. The fish chooses calmer places (without strong waves), sorts out grubs and becomes capricious in choosing food. Especially at the beginning of autumn, when a cold snap is planned, but it is still very warm. And to really catch a flock of bream, you need a daytime air temperature of at least 15 degrees.
Bream outings during this period on all rivers are different, but usually the bream comes out an hour after sunset, at night before dawn, and during the day it bites badly. A whole flock follows him, and if you managed to feed the place in advance (2 hours before the exit), then an excellent bite of the whole flock is guaranteed.
Basic gear – what to stock up on?
Of course, fishing on a feeder requires special equipment, more precisely, equipment. And even if you plan to catch scavengers, you should take care of the gear in advance by buying the right fishing line, reel, hook and feeder.
First of all, you need a feeder rod with a length of at least 3-4 meters (for long casts and deep fishing spots). Why exactly this size? The fact is that with a large rod it is easier to lift the feeder from the bottom, this eliminates the possibility of mud tangling on the hook. You should choose an average type of rod, since it is just designed for catching bream in a reservoir or on a river in the absence of a strong current.
Casting such a rod next to bushes, trees and reeds is not very convenient. But, as they say, the fish is looking for a place where it is better, but does not ask the fishermen for permission. But if you manage to choose a cleared place with a deep cliff, then you can go fishing with special pleasure, without the risk of injuring yourself and the anglers nearby. So, digressing a little from the topic of gear, let’s continue. Required equipment for the feeder:
- Coil. An inertialess one with a well-tuned friction clutch (size 3000-5000) is suitable. The baitrunner system is necessary for sharp bites in order to protect yourself from troubles with line tangling.
- Fishing line. For short casts up to 50 meters, monofilament is better, it is more durable and thin at the same time, with a diameter of about 0,25. For long casts, a braided line with a diameter of 0,1-0,16 is suitable. Be sure to use a leash, it will increase the number of catches. The bream is a shy fish.
- Hook. For bream fishing, choose a small size of hooks: from about No. 7 to No. 9 for baiting worms and No. 4 – No. 6 for barley, corn. The hook must be of high quality and very sharp.
- feeder. Its weight should not exceed 100 grams, especially if you are fishing with a light or medium type feeder rod on the river. When fishing on the lake, use light weight feeders.
The feeder should be selected depending on the weight of the feeder rod. It indicates the weight and possible type of cargo. For example, when using a Medium rod, the load together with the feeder should not exceed the weight of 80 grams. Otherwise, there is a high probability of rod breakage, but less weight, respectively, will have a bad effect on the sensitivity of the bite beacon.
The bite of the bream occurs with a smooth approach to the top and its withdrawal to the right or left. The bream thus tries to escape. This is the main pronounced characteristic of the bite of the bream. It is necessary to undercut with a firm hand, sharply and carefully. The tender lip of the bream may burst at this point. Then you need to smoothly fish to the shore, using jerky tactics, stopping each time, but without weakening the line much. The main thing when catching a bream is to use the cage, you can’t pull it ashore, otherwise there is a high risk of a breakdown.
Feeder lovers – go ahead, night fishing
Breams love warm weather. Therefore, when they feel a decrease in temperature, they try not to swim to the shores at all. And if windy and cloudy weather is planned, the bream may stop pecking at all. This fact must be taken into account in accordance with the weather for tomorrow. Night fishing is the best that an angler can expect when he is “hunting” for bream or bream. The most active biting is observed just in the evening, before sunset and at dawn.
Lakes and reservoirs are great places to fish for bream at night. In stagnant water, as a rule, the bream is more calm, and you can catch a trophy specimen. It would be nice to arrive at the stakes 2 hours earlier than the planned rest, or rather, sports feeder fishing, in order to explore the place. A marker weight lowered to the bottom will help you navigate in depth; such an examination of the bottom is well reflected in further fishing. You can use a coastal echo sounder to check the depth.
Features of catching bream in river open spaces
Arriving at the river, you need to decide on the place of fishing by checking the depth. Well, if there is a place with a steep bank and not a very deep edge. Only then should you mix the mixture – bait and arrange gear. The purchased mixture should still be infused. An excellent catch of bream can be obtained by going fishing in the expanses of the Volga or the Dnieper. For the best catch, fishermen tend to go there.
Feeder fishing for bream – casting technique
Do not rely on chance and sit near the rod for hours in the hope of a bite. This is not float fishing, but sports feeder fishing. Therefore, every half an hour, experienced anglers advise changing nozzles and repeating the cast. And you can feed the point once a minute. For beginners, it is better to practice casting. It is practically impossible for anyone to show in the photo the correctness of the cast without sharp jerks. But the video will help the novice feeder lover to throw the tackle correctly.
It must be remembered that the bream does not like biting in different places, so the cast must be repeated in the same place. Having determined the accuracy with a load, it is necessary to clip the fishing line, and then repeat the casts exactly to the area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe edge or that cliff where the fisherman plans to get a bite.
Groundbait technique
Experienced fishermen say: fish should be baited, especially bream, with bait for several days, and then great fishing is guaranteed. It can also work so that the fisherman baits several places at a distance of about 50 meters, trying to set the rods after about an hour. Usually bites happen immediately. If this happened, you can feed the fish again, the main thing is to avoid overfeeding. After a good dinner, no bream wants even a maggot on the hook, no matter how appetizing it may seem.
The consistency of the bait should be fine-grained so that the bream is not completely saturated. In September, the feeding of bream differs from the cooler and spawning period in that this fish likes to eat protein foods more than vegetable and flavored ones. Therefore, keep the number of attractants to a minimum.
The most important rule of bait for bream is to add to the bait the same protein ingredient that will be hooked. But not all anglers adhere to this rule, believing that if you add a bloodworm to the bait, then you will be provided with restless fishing with a bunch of small fish, which, in fact, will only scare away a large bream. Well, in this case, skill and experimentation are needed. It is very good to add corn to complementary foods, in summer and autumn the bream still actively reacts to bright colors, and he likes the taste.
Types of bait
For both stagnant and running water, purchased mixtures can be used. If you don’t want to bother with preparing food for bream, you should look at the “Best” brand and purchase part of the feeder bait, mixing it with bait for bream. In terms of components 1 to 1, add water already in place (on a river or reservoir). Companies such as Sensas, Super Champion Feeder, MethodMix, Unikorm, Fish dream, Traper are excellent at catching large bream.
To add color and weight, you can use those dyes and components that are present at the bottom. If it is a shell rock, add ground shells to the mixture, if the clay bottom is clay, earth. You should remember the rule: the greater the current on the river, the heavier the feeder should be. Most often, bream reacts to light colors and delicate aromas. In September, offer the bream a sweet scent of vanilla, cinnamon, or garlic, anise, mint.
Maggot, dung worm are also good for bait and subsequent bait. But here it is better to protect yourself by scalding the worm and maggot with boiling water. So you can immobilize it, but the bait will not lose its aroma and taste. Protein foods make the mixture heavier and keep the cloud of fine mixture from spraying out, attracting fines. And in autumn, fish need proteins to stock up on fat in anticipation of cold weather. It is better not to add bloodworms in early autumn.
“You can’t spoil porridge with butter”
The bream loves sweets, but is it worth adding sweet syrups to the bait? The fact is that it is better to add sweetness already on the spot so that the prepared mixture does not turn sour along the way and scare away large fish. For viscosity, you can add semolina or oatmeal to the porridge. The breeders are convinced that the best porridge consists of millet, not fully boiled peas and roasted ground seeds. Such bait acts on the fish unconditionally.
Here are a few more homemade baits. For flow:
- 50 g finely chopped lard (unsalted)
- 100 g breadcrumbs
- 100 g breadcrumbs or rye bran
- Boiled rice – 100 g
- Ground coriander – a pinch
- Oparysh
- Clay or manca.
For any feeder fishing:
- Peas and millet in a glass (boil and mince)
- 1,5 cups twisted dry bread
- 2,3 cup semolina
- 2,3 cups of cake
- Half a glass of flour and cake
- Hercules – 0,5 cups (pre-steamed for 2 minutes).
All the ingredients of this recipe are added in sequence from the first point to the last. Aromas and taste qualities of the mixture should be dealt with already on the shore. You need to mix 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon, salt, 1/3 cup of fish food and a pinch of coriander, not forgetting to add maggot. Live bait is required for September – October, so if maggots or dung worms are not added, you should add dry blood to the mixture, this will definitely send a flock of bream to your place, and maybe not one.