Breakthrough with the attack
  • Muscle group: Hip
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Calves, Quads, lower back, Shoulders, Forearm, trapezius, Triceps, Glutes
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Rod
  • Difficulty level: Professional
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The rush attack — technique exercises:

  1. Place the barbell with the required weight on the floor. Walk up to it so that the vulture was near the shins. Grab the barbell wide grip. Feet should be on the line of the hips, toes turned outwards. Perform a squat, chest out, head raised, shoulders over the fretboard. This will be your initial position.
  2. Pick up a barbell from the floor, starting the first pull in the plane of the feet. The back should not be rounded.
  3. The beginning of the second spurt coincides with the moment when the neck passes through the knees. Stress hips, ankles, your knees bent, give the rod maximum acceleration up. The neck should rise close to the torso. At the top of the movement keep the shoulders, elbows lock weight around.
  4. When you move the feet into the receiving position and submit the body under the fingerboard, powerful movement, push the bar over his head. The feet should stand in the lunge position – one ahead, another behind, as shown in the figure. Soften the weight of the rod, continuing to hold her head over, spring in the knees and sinking as low as possible.
  5. Holding the fretboard on the line of the foot that is ahead, become the right, placing feet together. Head raised, chest out.
  6. Carefully return the barbell to the floor.
exercises for the legs exercises for thighs exercises with a barbell
  • Muscle group: Hip
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Calves, Quads, lower back, Shoulders, Forearm, trapezius, Triceps, Glutes
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Rod
  • Difficulty level: Professional

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