Breakthrough therapies. The key to the development of medicine

What innovative therapies have emerged recently? Which of them do patients in Poland have access to? Which are we still waiting for? How will the situation with access to breakthrough therapies change in the coming years? You will find the answer to these and other issues in the second edition of the educational campaign prepared by Warsaw Press in cooperation with the Alivia Foundation “Breakthrough therapies – the key to the development of medicine”.

On Saturday, together with Gazeta Wyborcza, an educational campaign prepared by Warsaw Press entitled «Breakthrough therapies – the key to the development of Medicine». The Alivia Foundation became the main partner of the event.

The aim of the campaign is a broad discussion on innovations in medicine and building public awareness of modern methods of treatment. In addition, we want to start a dialogue on the availability of modern therapies in our country in the context of the opportunities offered to us by the progress of medicine.

The following people got involved in the campaign:

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Marek Krawczyk Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw, which introduces the topic related to the need for innovation in the life of every society and how many barriers are overcome by modern medicine

Prof. dr hab. n med. Witold Rużyłło Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences answers the question about the directions of development of medicine in cardiology

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Wysocki PTOK explains the issues related to the modern approach in the fight against breast cancer

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Tadeusz Pieńkowski shows how, thanks to the progress and development of medicine, we are able to diagnose breast cancer

Dr. Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka deals with the subject related to the necessity of changes in the health care system and financing of innovative medical technologies

Dr Leszek Borkowski and Dr Leszek Kraj in turn, they will refer to the situation of pancreatic cancer patients and modern therapies to fight this disease.

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