Breaking the template: why I love parenting chats

God had mercy on endless negotiations with moms and dads of my son’s peers in kindergarten. I decided to recoup at school. And he started back in May, when the first meetings were held at the parents of future first-graders.

No, I was not going to add to the WhatsApp chat “1st class of the world’s best school hurray” in my right mind and sober memory. I was added voluntarily and compulsorily along with 32 other parents. Suddenly 32 unfamiliar numbers on my phone. Elena, Alena, Rustam, Leila, Angel … Who are all these people?

All summer, the school chat hummed like a disturbed hive. In the best traditions of comedy stand-ups.

“Have you already ordered the form?” “And if everyone himself, then which one do you want?” “And dark blue – is it completely blue or can you have white stripes?” “And if stripes are not allowed, then maybe rhombs are possible?” “Is black almost like dark blue?” “And I already bought it with stripes, I won’t buy another one.” “Post a list of stationery!” “Post a list of stationery!” “Post a list of stationery!” (no, it was not me who went crazy, these are three messages from different people with an interval of three hours).

“How much will we collect?” “As in two, are you crazy? My daughter is the eldest in the eighth grade, they have enough for 500 rubles! ” “Let’s five and buy another humidifier for class, my child does not like dry air.”

Then there was a pause – everyone bought a uniform and went to rest. A week before September 1, the chat came to life again.

“And the first is Saturday. Will there be a ruler? ” “Do boys need jackets for the line?” “And if it’s hot?” “And if it’s cold?” “When will they start studying?” “Is the ruler still the first or the third?” “I still didn’t understand about the jacket …” “And the teacher had a birthday in August, will we congratulate?”

Blissful silence came after the most insidious question: “Parents, who can come to decorate the class on the 31st?”

In a few months, I went through all the stages of accepting the inevitable. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression … And when I came to acceptance, I realized with surprise: I fell in love with the parent chat. After all, it is a continuous benefit!

I always know my homework

Even when the electronic diary broke. Even when the child is on sick leave. Even when I don’t want to know him, I still know him. And I do not just know, but I know by heart: after all, they will write it in the chat six times in one evening, no less. For those who did not know, for those who knew but forgot, and for those who do not know how to turn the correspondence a few messages back.

I always know how to do my homework

I confess, I do not know what a hedgehog dreams of in winter, but there is such a task. And I cannot distinguish an aspen leaf from a rowan leaf in the picture. And I have a problem with animal tracks. But there is a magic wand – chat! He threw a cry and got at least ten possible answers. No, I certainly won’t stay in debt. I will definitely advise you how to explain to your son the count “in ten”. I will write ten messages on this topic, no less.

I always know how my baby behaves

On the one hand, public showdowns are, of course, bad. On the other hand, how else did the parents know that “Petya is constantly fighting”, and “Ksyusha stings the boys during recess”. If my son – God forbid – starts to conflict with one of the children, I will find out about it that very evening. With details from the opposing side. The main thing here is not to get confused, but to respond adequately. Also in the chat. Let everyone know!

I find missing things very quickly

“Dear parents! Look in the children’s portfolios for our Russian language notebook / pencil case / sports uniform! ” Believe it or not, it is found in two cases out of three. And in the third case, there is always a classmate who saw where it went. Or someone who has not left yet and can grab a thing forgotten in the locker room.

By the way, some parents also find “missing” children whose phones are dead or broken. I myself called my son several times and asked where one of his classmates was.

I am always aware of school life

“Classes in the chess club have been postponed for an hour.” “Dance rehearsal tomorrow at three.” “Ruler on Friday, come in full dress.” “There will be no fifth lesson, there will be an excursion instead.” “Please see how the photos in the album will look like, if you like, put a plus sign.” Low bow to the parent committee, which takes the trouble to promptly notify other moms and dads about important events. And not just to notify, but to remind several times, so that everyone is surely in the know. And how quickly they collect money for all sorts of different things is just a song. It is enough to throw a list into the chat, where all those who passed and did not pass are marked. And someone will be ashamed very quickly.

Are you pissed off by chats? You just don’t know how to cook them (c)

Parents’ meetings are faster than usual

Because important questions do not wait for the teacher to gather the parents, but are resolved promptly in the chat. All financial reports, discussions of joint trips, holidays, and other events – via chat. In the meeting, it is mainly the teacher who speaks and mainly about learning and behavior. Clearly and to the point – they listened, asked questions, received answers, dispersed. It’s even somehow boring.


In fact, chat is like any collective, only more virtual than real. There will always be something that will make you laugh (hello to those who send pictures for every holiday), and something that will infuriate (politeness is great, but 32 thanks is already too much), and something that will please (almost all text above). The main thing is your attitude. Well, the ability to turn off sound alerts in time.

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