Breakfast: the right nutrients during pregnancy

A quarter of baby’s nutritional intake should come from breakfast… For a pregnant woman, it is impossible to ignore the first meal of the day! To be able to develop, Baby needs balanced meals. For this, a coffee with milk taken in a hurry is not enough!

Learn how to adapt your meals to Baby’s specific needs. Some elements are essential such as:


It allows the good skeletal construction of your child and the maintenance of yours. In addition, if you want to breastfeed, be aware that the more calcium you consume, the higher the quality of your milk. You will find calcium in milk and dairy products, of course, but also in cheeses (preferably those made from pasteurized milk) as well as in milk-based preparations (pancakes, for example).

The iron

Apart from meat, you will consume it in whole grains, bran, wheat germ, eggs and dried fruits. It is essential for your baby’s oxygenation, supply of nutrients and for building up his initial immune system. Warning ! Consuming tea after a meal removes up to 75% of the iron absorbed!


They are essential for the growth of baby’s cells and intervene from conception. You will find them mainly in milk, eggs, as well as in nuts and seeds.

Essential fatty acids

They ensure the development of the nervous systemx, ocular, growth and skin. They are lodged in fat. Prefer also vegetables (margarine type) to animals (butters). Note: vitamin A is hidden in lipids, and watches over growth … In high doses, it can cause fetal malformations: do not overdo it!


It is mostly found in grains, fruits, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. It preserves your strength and preserves your reserves that it will put at the service of a possible breastfeeding. Warning ! Consumption of white sugar accelerates the loss of magnesium

Folic acid

Vitamin B9 is found in oranges, pineapples, fortified breakfast cereals. It is essential to absorb it from the start of pregnancy, because it prevents malformations.

Our breakfast ideas

The nibbler special

  • coffee or tea with milk
  • 2 jam toasts
  • a slice of fresh pineapple
  • around 10-11 a.m.: a clementine, a kiwi or a natural yogurt


  • applesauce with raisins
  • bergamot tea
  • 2 pancakes with milk jam


  • coffee or tea with milk
  • a sweetened plain yogurt
  • at least two buttered toasts
  • an orange and kiwi salad (sweetened with honey)

The consistent

  • a coffee or a tea
  • 2 toasts of country bread
  • a slice of Comté
  • a plate of mango and kiwi

The sporty one

  • a sweet coffee
  • a bowl of cereal with dried fruit and milk
  • a slice of cooked ham topped with 0% fat cottage cheese sprinkled with chopped fine herbs
  • a few slices of wholemeal bread
  • a slice of melon

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