Breakfast soup and 5 more things to help you live longer

Breakfast soup and 5 more things to help you live longer

There is nothing supernatural on this list – we already do it all. But if these things become a habit, then life can magically change.

Experts promise that if you follow these simple tips, you can achieve a lot: better sleep, delay aging, improve digestion and prevent dementia. The changes you have to make for the sake of great goals will not radically change your lifestyle – they are called micro-changes because they are painless, but effective. 

Breakfast soup

Sounds weird. But in many Asian and Mediterranean countries, this practice exists. Remarkably, people in these regions are long-livers. Nutritionist Craig Fear thinks it’s a great idea to have soup for breakfast.

Craig sees a lot of advantages in morning soup: firstly, they save time, because it is enough to simply reheat the dish. Secondly, it is easy to diversify it, make it more satisfying by adding an egg, noodles, rice, or, conversely, prepare an easy version, limiting yourself to a handful of frozen vegetables in broth. Thirdly, the soup is well digested and satiates for a long time without leaving a feeling of heaviness. Fourth, it can solve your digestive problems, which cereals or sandwiches will never do. Fifth, it is cold now, and the soup warms both body and soul. 

Coffee with milk

Until I have coffee in the morning, I’m not a human at all. Nutritionist Jane Clark only supports this habit: according to the specialist, there are many studies confirming the benefits of coffee in the prevention of dementia. 

“Caffeine activates blood circulation, helping to deliver oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. Antioxidants from coffee beans protect blood vessels and have anti-inflammatory effects, ”she explains. 

The nutritionist advises to drink coffee with milk: the proteins and fats contained in it slow down the absorption of caffeine into the bloodstream, you feel more alert longer, but at the same time avoid overexcitation. Besides, coffee with milk does not cause insomnia.

Sugar-free tea

Good tea is tasty and aromatic in itself, so putting sugar in it will only spoil it. 

“Cutting back on sugar in your diet is an easy way to lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s,” adds Dr. Duncan Banks, biomedical scientist. 

This, by the way, is confirmed by research: the more a person eats sugar, the more likely he is to become acquainted with Alzheimer’s disease. 


Everyone loves nuts, except those who are allergic to them. But it is important to eat nuts regularly: not as we like, buy 200 grams and eat them immediately, but a little bit, but every day. Doctors recommend a dose of 30 grams per day. Walnuts are especially advised: they contain essential omega-3 fatty acids. 

“These acids protect us from environmental influences, bad ecology, fight free radicals that destroy our cells, and reduce inflammation in the body. Otherwise, all of these factors can lead to dementia, cardiovascular disease and even cancer, ”says nutritionist Jane Clark. 

The doctor advises to give preference to the freshest nuts – if bitterness appears in them, it is better to discard such nuts. 

Cancel the TV

A few hours in front of the screen is an easy way to get a migraine headache. 

“Sleep disturbances are very common in triggering headache attacks,” says Dr. Andy Dawson. 

Eye strain, as well as exposure to light for a long time, not only causes a headache, but also worsens sleep, insomnia develops. Experts advise not only not to watch TV before going to bed, but also put your gadgets away at least an hour before you go to bed. And the time in front of the screen must be dosed, trying not to sit in front of it for more than two hours without interruption.  

Alarm clock

Who has an alarm clock in the house now, huh? Yes, no one. They all have phones that we stare at before bed and count on in the morning. However, it is harmful to sleep – flipping the tape while lying in bed. The synthesis of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for sleep, is disrupted, and we feel overwhelmed and lethargic. And we get fat. Moreover, this practice increases our dependence on social media, which is already as strong as the armor of a Soviet tank. Therefore, experts advise to set an alarm clock by the bed and put the phone somewhere in the kitchen.  

Shopping List

Usually it is advised to make it up without fail. But it’s time to move on to the next step – stop making your shopping list. Dr. Wykes, professor of clinical psychology and rehabilitation at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neurobiology, King’s College London, believes this is a great way to train memory. When you try to remember something, you activate different areas of the brain, thereby not only improving memory and attentiveness, but also maintaining brain health. 

“Mentally break down the shopping list into categories and try not to miss anything, but not to buy too much,” the doctor advises. 

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