Breakfast in a new way

No time, no appetite, no desire to cook… Let’s try to change our view of the first meal of the day so that its beginning evokes only pleasant feelings. Five original healthy breakfast options: salty or sweet, original or traditional, light or nutritious – what do you like?

What do you have for breakfast? Nothing? You are not alone – every fourth person in the world does the same. Coffee with milk? It’s bad for your stomach, and you’ll get hungry very quickly. A sandwich? Already better, but still not enough.

To put it bluntly, most of the time we tend to neglect the first and most important meal of the day. A monotonous and unbalanced breakfast does not arouse our gastronomic fantasy and does not arouse much interest. Meanwhile, it is it that can be turned into an almost inexhaustible source of pleasure. And it’s not difficult at all!

We selected five options for a morning meal and asked Jacques-Pascal Cusin, author of the book “Breakfasts from the Diet Masters”*, to comment on them. The proposed options can be alternated or choose what is most suitable for you – they are all excellent in taste and good for health.

* “Breakfasts of the great dietetics”. Jouvence Editions, 2003.

Morning tea

Coffee is too exciting, and the feeling of a surge of energy that it gives is false and passes quickly. In this opinion, both nutritionists who adhere to traditional views and their innovatory opponents are united. Milk should also be avoided: it is poorly digested, and those who are past infancy should use it with caution.

Where is the exit? In tea. All experts unconditionally recommend green tea, which has protective and antioxidant properties, as well as the ability to burn fat. However, if you do not like its specific taste, switch to red tea or “top three petals” tea (made from the youngest leaves, which contain little theine) – they are quite capable of competing with green tea.

Cream “Budwig”

Benefit + sophistication Do you take a natural approach when it comes to cooking? Then Budwig cream is the breakfast for you: ready in minutes and almost flawless in terms of health benefits.


Theory This dish was invented by the German biochemist Johanna Budwig in the 50s of the last century, and since then its popularity has been growing steadily around the world. The formula of this cream embodies the principles of rational nutrition: plant foods instead of animals, raw or minimally processed foods instead of fried and boiled, as well as a special emphasis on essential polyunsaturated fatty acids.

How to cook it? Beat 4 tsp. cottage cheese with 2 tsp. sunflower oil (first cold pressed). Add the juice of half a lemon, a ripe mashed banana, 2 tsp. whole grain flakes (barley, buckwheat, rice), 2 tsp. ground seeds (sesame, linseed, sunflower) and one fresh fruit of the season, cut into pieces.

Expert opinion “This dish is healthy and balanced, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. But progress does not stand still: today, Budwig cream fans recommend replacing milk curd with soy, and eating fruit separately half an hour before the main meal (the sequence of actions is as follows: get out of bed, eat fruit, put yourself in order, and then have breakfast). Please note: flakes and seeds need to be ground immediately before use, so it will hardly be possible to make a cream in the evening.

Zen dish

Nutrition + unusual Do you love discovering new tastes? Do you prefer salty to sweet? Then this original breakfast in the oriental spirit will help you to fully feel the joy of the coming day.


Theory The diet of Japanese Zen monks to this day consists of a simple guen mai rice soup topped with vegetables and tofu. In the time of the Buddha, it was customary to eat only twice a day – in the morning and in the afternoon, at lunchtime. Silence was observed at the table, and eating was considered a continuation of meditation.

How to cook it? This dish can be cooked for two or three days, and then reheated as needed. In a small amount of water, simmer brown rice with carrots, leeks, turnips and celery for an hour. Before serving, season the dish with soy sauce or sprinkle with gomasio mixture (ground sesame seeds roasted with salt). For a truly complete breakfast, add miso soup made from miso paste, which is diluted with boiling water, wakame seaweed, green onions, and finely chopped tofu. Both gomasio, seaweed, and miso paste are now freely available in diet and vegetarian food stores.

Expert opinion “The habit of starting the day with a sweet has developed relatively recently, and it is associated with the success of the confectionery industry, and not in any way with our physiological needs. In most traditional cultures, breakfast has been savory for a long time, and this dish is the best example of that.”

Tonic juices

Purification + energy Do you have no appetite in the morning? Do you feel tired and your body needs cleansing? This light breakfast gently and gently prepares you for a new day.


Theory 40 years ago, American Ann Wigmore developed her “energy” approach to nutrition. It is based on the regular consumption of raw plant products. According to Wigmore, solid food in the morning is an unbearable burden for the digestive system, and therefore, before noon, she recommends drinking freshly squeezed juices: they help eliminate toxins accumulated during the night from the body. And then you can move on to fresh fruits and vegetables.

How to cook it? Juices should not be too sweet. You should start with the lightest – watermelon juice (about 1/4 of a berry) or cucumber. After 30-45 minutes, when the feeling of hunger makes itself felt, you can drink a mixture based on germinated cereals (for example, wheat germ) and various seasonal vegetables (carrots, celery, parsley, beets). This mixture is seasoned with spices to taste.

Expert opinion “This option really tones one hundred percent, and a liquid breakfast provides the body with an “easy start”: the transition to solid food, which is more difficult to digest, is carried out gradually. But around noon, the body may need an extra boost of energy – at this time it is good to eat something containing slowly absorbed carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread.

Inventive classic

Practicality + balance Do you want to eat a balanced diet, but are not ready to spend time and energy on it? We offer you a traditional breakfast, which has been approved by the majority of healthy nutrition experts.


Theory Proteins, fats, carbohydrates – in this classic breakfast (sometimes also called “continental”) there is everything that our body needs.

How to cook it? Take whole grain bread, spread it with butter, honey or confiture, boil an egg, cut some seasonal fruit into slices (namely, fruit, not juice – we need fiber), make fresh tea (not coffee!). If immediately after waking up you do not feel hungry, drink water or tea to start, and postpone breakfast a little and limit yourself to rye bread, fruits, vegetables (cherry tomatoes, radishes) or natural yogurt.

“The main advantage of this breakfast is balance. If you don’t digest well or just don’t like eggs, replace them with a slice of ham or some kind of fermented milk product. Do not get carried away with butter: polyunsaturated acids are much more useful for saturating the body with fats. But keep in mind: a little natural butter is better than a lot of margarine! As for confiture, it should have a maximum of fruit and a minimum of sugar! Ideally, it should resemble fruit compote. Now about bread: the higher the content of whole grains in it, the better. But if you don’t like such bread, you can eat regular bread – self-torture does not lead to good.

Cheesy Proteins

Vivacity + youth Do you like to start the day with a full meal? This breakfast option will allow you to recharge your batteries and protect your body from premature aging.


Theory This recipe was developed by Dr. Claude Chauchard – an expert in various anti-aging techniques. Since at breakfast the body better absorbs not sugars, but proteins and lipids, the emphasis in this option is on them.

How to cook it? Make an omelette with one whole egg and two egg whites. To him – two tomatoes sprinkled with olive oil, bread and cheese. So that breakfast does not become boring, you can alternate the omelette with boiled chicken white meat without skin or a slice of baked salmon. A great addition to all this is tea with lemon.

Expert opinion “It is unlikely that anyone will seriously argue with the fact that proteins are necessary: ​​in our body, they perform many different functions. Nevertheless, in everything you need to observe the measure and not abuse protein foods – just like slow-digesting carbohydrates should not be excluded from the daily menu. The latter create an energy reserve that supports us throughout the day. For this breakfast option to be considered optimal, it is worth adding a couple of slices of bread or whole grain porridge to it. And certainly there will be no harm from quickly digestible sugars – from honey, confiture or purchased fruit juices.

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