The best quality bread is obtained from finely ground flour of a high degree of purification. Such a product is tasty and presentable in appearance, however, not very useful. The thing is that with a thorough cleaning of the grains from the shells, many useful substances are removed from them that can improve digestion, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and set the intestines to work properly. Today, bran is often returned to baked goods in the form of additives, so it is easier to regulate its quantity and quality of the resulting product.
Useful properties of the product
Low fiber intake creates most of the problems with the digestive tract in modern people. Refined foods, which are completely free of natural fibers, contribute to the disruption of the proper functioning of all body systems. To solve this problem, food today needs to be enriched with special grain husks in granular form, you can also eat bread with bran. The benefits of this product are quite obvious. Dietary fiber, which is part of bran baking, helps regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate and prevent constipation, promote the elimination of cholesterol, toxins, prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis, increase hemoglobin in the blood and improve its quality.
Unrefined fiber lowers the glycemic index of baked goods. Such a product perfectly helps in matters of weight loss, improves the absorption of nutrients from food, and helps cleanse the walls of the digestive organs. Grain fiber is very useful for iron deficiency; being a natural adsorbent, it solves many problems with skin, hair, fungal diseases and allergies. The disadvantage of bran bread is its specific taste, shape and texture of the finished product.
The beneficial effect of the product on the human body depends on the proportions of bran in the recipe. The most valuable is baking, in which about 20 percent of the grain husks are added. However, the abuse of such a product can lead to side effects and negative consequences. An adult should not consume more than 30 grams of dry cereal shells per day, but it is almost impossible to determine their amount in ready-made purchased bread. Therefore, if you already have bread with bran, then no more than 300 grams per day in the morning. If you experience discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, you should stop baking until the symptoms disappear completely, and then start using it in smaller quantities.
The most useful bread with bran is divided into several subspecies, depending on the effect on human health and methods of its preparation.
He can be:
- Whole grain, which is necessary for diabetes, high cholesterol, overweight and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Live, which is prepared using starters based on sprouts and whole grains of wheat. Live bread with bran is useful for beriberi and excess weight.
- Biobread made exclusively from ingredients of natural origin – seeds, nuts, flour of various grades, vegetables (carrots, celery, pumpkin, tomatoes).
- Bread, which is obtained by removing moisture from bran bread. This is a light and tasty product, but there is a risk of purchasing low-quality products in which the manufacturer has added flavor enhancers and other artificial substances.
The store assortment of bran bread is quite wide, it is important to choose exactly the product that will be useful for a particular organism. If you can’t find such a ready-made one, you can easily bake it at home.
The effect of the product on weight loss
Calorie bread with bran is not so low. The minimum value of kilocalories in the finished homemade product can be 220 per 100 grams of weight, and the maximum can exceed 400. Honey, sugar, various types of flour and fat are often added to such bread, which in no way contributes to the lightness of the finished product. Ready-made breads often contain nuts and seeds, which also increase the energy value of the product and do not contribute to weight loss.
If you do not take into account all the ingredients of bran bread, relying only on its usefulness, you can fully replace one or two meals for the body with a couple of pieces of such a product.
In matters of weight loss, it is important to consider what kind of bread with bran a person eats. Although in any case, this pastry is much more useful for weight loss than wheat or rye bread.
Coarse fibers enter the body with bran, which provoke the renewal of all vital processes:
- normalization of the stool occurs even in cases where a person adheres to diets that cause constipation;
- saturation of the body occurs much faster due to the swelling of coarse fibers in the stomach and the creation of food volume;
- many vitamins and minerals enter and are absorbed in the body much faster, which provokes the establishment of metabolic processes and starts the process of losing weight.
At the same time, wheat bread with bran is less useful than rye bread, since it contains gluten, which contributes to weight gain.
Who should not use the product
With all the positive qualities of bran bread, there are a number of contraindications for its use. For example, with exacerbated chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it can cause increased pain and exacerbation of critical conditions. During periods of calm, pastries can be eaten, but in moderation. Among the diseases in which bran bread should be excluded from the diet are:
- gastritis and gastric ulcer in the acute stage;
- pancreatitis;
- hemorrhoids;
- colitis;
- problems with the large intestine, diarrhea;
- avitaminosis.
It is also undesirable to eat bran bread during treatment with many medications, including antibiotics. The fact is that when fiber enters the body, it absorbs and removes not only toxins, but also medicinal components of drugs, weakening their therapeutic effect. Such baking can also remove vitamin-mineral complexes that enter the body both with food and in a medicinal form, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy, when a sufficient level of vitamins is the key to the normal development of the fetus.
Home cooking
Bread with bran in a bread machine or in the oven can be prepared at home using ready-made dry bran. This ingredient can be added to all types of baked goods to increase your fiber intake. Today there are ways to cook even quick dietary bran bread in the microwave, which will take the hostess just a few minutes of time.
For this bread you will need:
- 2 chicken eggs;
- 7 tablespoons of wheat bran;
- 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt;
- half a teaspoon of soda and lemon juice;
- salt and spices to taste.
Eggs, yogurt and bran are mixed well in a bowl, and then soda quenched with lemon juice is added there. After mixing everything again, you can add salt and spices to the dough and pour the finished dough into a microwave oven dish. The bun is cooked for 5 minutes at maximum power, after cooking it can be eaten immediately, because it does not contain flour, because of which ordinary pastries are not recommended to be consumed hot. Bread from bran without flour turns out to be quite light and dietary, it contains all the substances necessary for the body, and at the same time, this composition of bread does not contain many calories at all.
Rye bread with bran in a bread machine is prepared quite simply. Rye bran is more useful than wheat bran, but this type of baking has a specific taste that not everyone will like. Sometimes the hostess replaces rye bran with oat bran. Oat bran bread is more tender, and its useful qualities are in no way inferior to its rye counterpart. The recipe for bread with rye or oat bran in a bread machine requires the use of the following ingredients for baking:
- 2 teaspoons of yeast;
- 480 grams of wheat flour;
- 130 grams of rye flour;
- 2 teaspoons of salt;
- 2 tablespoons of sugar;
- 3 tablespoons of rye or oat bran;
- 25 grams of butter;
- 2 tablespoons of powdered milk;
- 350 milliliters of water.
All ingredients are mixed together and placed in a removable bread machine bowl. The baking time of the product is 4 hours, if there is no special function for this type of product in the menu of the device. Bread, regardless of the type of bran, turns out to be very lush, tasty, with a golden crust and a spicy smell.
Diet bread according to Dukan
If protein diets are followed, ordinary bread becomes a forbidden product. But many people cannot do without it so much that they even refuse to continue to follow dietary regimens. The famous nutritionist Dukan has developed several ways to make bread that does not harm the figure at all. Protein should predominate in Dukan’s baked goods, but bran is also a valid ingredient. With their help, you can bake bread, which, in addition to yeast and oat-wheat bran, contains protein isolate, chicken eggs, soft cottage cheese, kefir, seasonings, salt and a sweetener.
Dukan’s classic bran bread is also made with yeast. This recipe requires the use of milk, so you should strictly monitor whether this ingredient is suitable for the conditions of the diet being followed. By the way, if a person does not like bran, the “Dyukanov” baking method involves making homemade bread without bran. The basis of this recipe is corn starch, milk powder, soft cottage cheese, egg and baking powder.
Dukan yeast-free bran bread can be baked according to several recipes. Homemade bread with bran in the oven with a protein diet is made from wheat and oat bran, eggs, kefir, soda and sesame. Chopped greens can be used as a flavoring additive in the recipe. The yeast-free microwavable bran bread recipe uses bran, eggs, natural yogurt, and soda. This is one of the fastest ways to bake a healthy protein loaf as it only takes 7-10 minutes to prepare. Homemade bran bread in a slow cooker according to Dukan is cooked a little longer – about 20 minutes. The recipe for this dish is quite simple and versatile – oat bran, 2 eggs and soft cottage cheese are well mixed and poured into multicooker molds. If you add a sweetener to the recipe, you can get a dietary sweetness that will not harm the figure, but will help you easily survive food restrictions.
Dukan bread recipes are very simple, but their variety makes it easy to follow even the toughest diet, while enjoying delicious and healthy bran bread.
Bread with added fiber is indispensable for health if eaten in moderation. It is important to remember that bran is active in relation to the human gastrointestinal tract, and if this system of the body begins to feel bad when using them, then you should temporarily completely abandon bran bread and consult a doctor. With the right approach, bran bread will make you forget about constipation and excess weight in a very short time, and a variety of baking recipes will help you enjoy delicious buns and desserts every day.