In winter, birds have oh, how hard it is – in the cold it is difficult to get food for themselves. And it would be nice for each person to help the birds, to feed them. However, it is worth knowing how to do it correctly. And the fact that bread is not the best food for birds.
Unfortunately, this is not the best bird food. It’s all about salt and other ingredients that can harm them. Yes, and often people give the birds spoiled yeast bread, moldy – such a product in no case should anyone, neither people nor birds, eat.
The bread “diet” of birds can lead to unpleasant consequences such as food poisoning and even more serious diseases. One of them is the disease of “angel wings”, that is, deformation of the last joint of the wing. This damage prevents birds from flying.
So how do you feed the birds? Various grains and seeds… For example, sunflower seeds (in-shell grains are readily eaten by larger birds, peeled – small ones), but only natural, unsalted and not fried.
Small groats (only not salted) wheat or oatmeal is also a good idea.
Some birds like to eat fats… If you want to watch titmice or woodpeckers, you can hang a piece of bacon. The safest way to do this is when temperatures are below freezing – at higher temperatures the lard will quickly deteriorate.
and how about fruits and vegetables? For example, sliced apples are a delicacy for blackbirds. If you’re heading to the park to feed ducks and other waterfowl, you can grab some boiled diced vegetables. Of course, if there is no salt in them.
How best to feed the birds in winter
Do not forget to choose one specific place – the birds will remember that it is here that they will find food, and will return again. You can watch them.
It is also a good idea to make a traditional feeder. Remember that you need to be guided not by your own comfort (for example, a good view from the window), but by the good of our bird guests. First of all, the birds must have an easy escape route. Therefore, the feeder or platform should be easily accessible, and not deeply hidden. It is better to prefer open feeders, from where the bird can easily fly away. And beware of closed, cramped feeders, from which it is difficult for a bird to get out. Such a “house” sometimes becomes a prison and a place of death for sick birds, they simply are not able to leave it.
Remember to regularly add food and remove uneaten leftovers, especially if the temperature is already relatively high, and if you buy ready-made food to feed your birds, be sure to remove nets and other items that could entangle your bird.
Feeding birds in winter is a very noble cause. Hopefully, with our little tips, you can be of great benefit to birds in need.
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Recall that earlier we told you which 8 foods are better not to eat in winter, and also advised which foods to look for vitamin D, which is so lacking in the cold season.