Bread diet, 7 days, -4 kg

Losing weight up to 4 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 550 Kcal.

You’ve probably heard that carbohydrates, in particular bread, are a figure’s worst enemy. Most people who are losing weight are convinced that in order to reduce forms, it is necessary to abandon products containing flour. But Olga Raz, a nutritionist in Israel, has proposed a bread-based diet that casts serious doubts on this popular belief.

Bread Diet Requirements

Many people are unable to complete this or that diet due to the prohibition of the use of flour products on it. They simply do not gorge themselves without bread, even eating a palpable portion of the right food. The author of the bread method, Olga Raz, headed a whole scientific study, which was carried out in one of the clinics in Tel Aviv. The purpose of this experiment was to compile a list of mood-enhancing foods. Serotonin is always present in human blood, which is popularly called the hormone of happiness. Our mood also depends on its level. In the course of the study, it was noticed that the level of serotonin drops significantly in many people with a high-protein diet and, conversely, rises when we give the body the desired carbohydrates. This is why it is so difficult for lovers of sweets to sit on various diets. However, sweets that contain serotonin contain too many calories, making it difficult to lose weight. But in bread, which also has enough of the hormone of happiness, there are relatively few calories.

The basic principle Olga Raz’s bread diet – a ban on the patience of hunger The developer of the method convincingly insists that it is necessary to forget about this unpleasant sensation and give the body food quite often (approximately every 3-4 hours). The entire set of permitted foods must be divided by the day and consumed in approximately equal amounts.

When choosing bread for your diet, try to stop at low-calorie types. It is recommended that there are no more than 100 calories per 50 g of bread. Women can eat up to 10-12 slices of bread a day, men – up to 16. If it was not possible to find low-energy bread, then, consuming a higher-calorie product, you need to reduce its amount. On a diet, it is advisable to use rye, black, wholemeal bread or diet bread. The technique, regardless of calorie content, requires the exclusion of baking and various loaves from the diet, which have a high glycemic index, leading to a jump in blood sugar levels.

Bread can be greased with a thin layer of vegetable caviar, pasta based on avocado, ketchup or mustard, low-fat curd cheese. Once a day, you need to eat fruit, preferably a non-starchy type. Be sure to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water daily. You can also drink various types of teas without sweeteners, homemade vegetable juices, one cup of unsweetened coffee (preferably in the morning). For those who are uncomfortable without fruit or berry juices, you can allow half a glass of your favorite drink per day, but subject to the exclusion of the recommended portion of fruit from the diet on that day.

Try to make the basis of your diet, in addition to bread, various vegetables. Eat them raw, bake, stew, boil, steam. The main thing is not to expose to aggressive heat treatment and do not indulge in high-calorie fatty supplements.

Every day you need to eat about 200 g of low-fat fermented milk products (in priority, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk).

Three times a week, one meal of bread (that is, 3-4 slices) can be replaced with a protein meal – a small portion of lean meat, fish or seafood. You can also eat one chicken egg three times a week.

Sweets, any food with sugar, fatty meats, high-calorie sauces, alcohol, butter, lard, smoked meats, too salty and pickled foods, fast food are strictly prohibited during the bread diet.

Sitting on a bread diet is allowed for 2 weeks. If the desired result is achieved earlier, then you can stop the technique. After you are satisfied with your figure, the stage of consolidating the result begins. So that your efforts do not quickly come to naught, for at least another week, bread snacks should be replaced with one of the food variations listed below. So, once or twice a day, instead of a few slices of bread, you can eat: a portion of solid pasta, rice or buckwheat (a portion means no more than 200 g of finished products); a glass of legumes; medium potatoes in any form except fried; 1 small ear of corn 2 tbsp. l. muesli without sugar or 4 tbsp. l. regular oatmeal.

The nutritionist is categorically against the inclusion of fats, butter, alcohol, fatty sauces and other high-calorie foods in the diet now. But the amount of fruit on the menu can be increased somewhat. If you really want alcohol, you can afford a glass of dry wine, but no more. When you can’t resist sweets, choose foods designed for diabetics. They are lower in calories and have a lower glycemic index. Of course, take them in small doses too.

According to the reviews of people who have experienced a bread diet on themselves, 2-3 extra pounds are consumed per week. With a noticeable excess of body weight, the loss may be more noticeable.

Following the example of Olga Raz’s diet, other methods were developed, in which bread also plays a dominant role in the diet. For instance, diet on black bread and plain water… The diet of the diet, which is recommended to sit on for no more than 8 days, involves the use of bread of the specified type, low-fat kefir, oatmeal, a small amount of solid unsalted fat of minimum fat content, lean meat or fish. With this technique, you can lose 3-4 kg.

There is also bread and kefir dietwith an even stricter meal plan. You can sit on it for a week, and at least 500 g of excess weight should leave the body daily. You can consume a liter of kefir (low-fat or low-fat) and up to 250 g of rye bread daily.

Bread diet menu

An example of Olga’s bread diet once a week

Breakfasts always the same: a portion of bread, you can spread any of the products that you like (the permitted types are listed above).


Snack: orange.

Lunch: boiled egg and a portion of bread.

Afternoon snack: salad of cucumber, radish and tomato.

Dinner: a portion of bread.

Second supper: a glass of natural yogurt.


Snack: grated carrots.

Lunch: boiled beef fillet with stewed cabbage.

Afternoon snack: a portion of bread.

Dinner: a glass of yogurt or kefir.

Second supper: an apple.


Snack: a few plums.

Lunch: boiled egg and a portion of bread.

Afternoon snack: stew of carrots, tomatoes and zucchini.

Dinner: a portion of bread.

Second supper: a glass of kefir.


Snack: 200 ml empty yogurt.

Lunch: cucumber-tomato salad with a slice of baked fish.

Afternoon snack: a portion of bread.

Dinner: salad of fresh white cabbage and various greens.

Second supper: pear or a couple of peaches.


Snack: half a grapefruit.

Lunch: a portion of bread.

Afternoon snack: carrot and zucchini stew.

Dinner: a portion of bread.

Second supper: a glass of plain yogurt.


Snack: salad of cucumber, tomato and celery.

Lunch: boiled chicken breast and baked broccoli.

Afternoon snack: a portion of bread.

Dinner: a glass of fermented baked milk or yogurt.

Second supper: 4 apricots.


Snack: cabbage and cucumber salad.

Lunch: an egg, boiled or cooked in a pan without oil.

Afternoon snack: half a grapefruit.

Dinner: a portion of bread.

Second supper: a glass of kefir.

Note… When making salads from fresh vegetables, as well as when stewing these products, you can add a little vegetable (preferably olive) oil.

Diet diet on bread and water

Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal cooked in water; slice of cheese.

Lunch: a piece of boiled or baked chicken or fish; black bread in the amount necessary to satisfy hunger.

Dinner: up to 200 g of black bread and up to 500 ml of kefir.

An example of a kefir-bread diet

Breakfast: 50 g of bread and a glass of kefir.

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Lunch: 100 g of bread; a glass of kefir.

Afternoon snack: 50 g of bread.

Dinner: 50 g of bread.

Before going to bed: 200-250 ml of kefir.

Contraindications to the bread diet

  • Sitting on a bread diet is prohibited during periods of pregnancy and lactation, for people under 18 years of age, in the presence of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other serious diseases.
  • Before starting such weight loss, it is very advisable to visit a doctor for consultation and an adequate assessment of the state of health.

Benefits of a bread diet

  1. The bread diet has many benefits, especially if you take into account the methodology developed by Olga Raz. Losing weight passes without feeling hungry, crushing food intake speeds up metabolic processes, and serotonin in bread helps to maintain a good mood, vivacity and energy.
  2. Thanks to all this, the technique avoids apathy, loss of energy, fatigue and other “charm diets”.
  3. The diet is nutritionally balanced and does not stress the body.
  4. Bread (especially black and rye) is rich in other useful components. The substances contained in it work like a soft brush, ridding the body of toxins, toxins, harmful salts and other unnecessary components.
  5. Also, bread improves the absorption of food and enriches the body with useful fiber.
  6. Sitting on such a diet, you can save a lot, because the main product is inexpensive and affordable.
  7. Many people note that the condition of the skin improves significantly (in particular, the appearance of cellulite becomes less noticeable).
  8. The cravings for pastries are reduced and the new body is easily maintained after the diet.

Disadvantages of a bread diet

  • The bread method is not to the liking of people who simply do not like flour. For them, eating a lot of bread is an unpleasant experience.
  • If we talk about a diet option that is based on bread and kefir, the monotony of its menu can get bored. In addition, a large amount of fermented milk products in the diet may require frequent “communication” with the toilet.

Re-carrying out the bread diet

Remember that everything is good in moderation. It is not recommended to turn to any of the bread weight loss options more than once every 2 months.

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