Bread Dar (“Hlibny Dar”)

This branded drink, according to The Millionares club rating, is one of the three largest vodka brands in the world in terms of sales – after the alcohol giants Smirnoff and Absolut. Until 2017, there were 7 drinks in the line, now there are 8 of them – the premium vodka Khlebny Dar Craft Edition has appeared.

About the manufacturer. Bayadera Group is an international holding with Ukrainian roots, established in 1991 as a distribution company and initially engaged in the export of foreign drinks to Russia and Ukraine. During the first 10 years of activity, the holding opened 17 branches, and in 2002 the management decided to create its own brand. This is how the Khlebny Dar trademark was created, which became the hallmark of the company. Then they created “Kozatska Rada”, “Air”, “Quail”, “First Guild” – now there are 7 own vodka brands in the company’s case.

In 2008, Bayadera Group signed a contract with the alcohol giant Diageo and is actively developing its import supply network.

The holding owns a winery in Koblevo, the Nikolaevsky cognac factory and the National Vodka Company in Cherkassy, ​​which produces Khlebny Dar. This modern enterprise was built in 2005, equipped with Italian and French equipment according to European standards. The company has its own laboratory, which has developed more than a hundred unique recipes for strong alcohol. The plant owns 18 patents in the field of innovative developments.

A special feature of the brand is the recipe, according to which only grain alcohols are used in drinks, and deep artesian water, so clean and soft that there is no need to use complex filters.

Types of vodka “Hlebny Dar”

Khlebny Dar Classical (40%). A harmonious drink, created according to the classic recipe, is the most popular vodka in Ukraine. Without additives. Light grain aroma and neutral taste. It goes especially well with fatty hot dishes and spicy snacks.

Khlebny Dar Wheat (40%). Traditional wheat vodka, without additives – only “Lux” class alcohol and artesian water. Delicate vodka aroma and mild taste. Serve chilled to +10-12 °C. Sets off the taste of meat and fish dishes, emphasizes the aroma of spicy and spicy snacks.

Khlebny Dar On Sprouted Grain (40%). The recipe is based on germinated wheat grains. The taste is soft and neutral, with wheat notes in the aroma. It is served chilled to the table, vodka goes well with dishes of Russian, Ukrainian and European cuisine, emphasizes the taste of spicy appetizers and pickles.

Khlebny Dar Rye Lux (40%). Pleasant cinnamon-caraway aroma, mild taste with a touch of rye bread. Vodka goes well with meat and fish dishes. It is served to the table clean and chilled up to +10-12 °С.

Khlebny dar Ozimay (40%). A classic transparent drink with a delicate grainy aroma and a mild taste with tones of wheat grains. Served cold with meat dishes cooked over an open fire, it goes especially well with lamb and game, emphasizing the peculiarities of taste.

Khlebny Dar Ukrainian (40%). Vodka with a delicate grain taste is made using an infusion of white wheat crackers, which has acquired a mild and light taste. Harmonious with hot dishes of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine, with meat and spicy snacks. Before serving, cool to +10 °C.

Khlebny Dar Barrel Wheat (40%). The main difference of this vodka is aging in oak barrels, which gives the drink a woody aroma and a pleasant tart aftertaste of burnt wood. Recommended by restaurateurs for hot meat dishes, seafood and fish snacks.

Bread Dar (“Hlibny Dar”)

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