Brazilian nut

Brazilian (American) walnut is the fruit of a large Bertoletia tree, reaching 45 m in height. The trunk diameter is 1,5–2 m. The life expectancy of a tree is 1000 years. The Brazil nut grows in the forests of Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Guiana. Interestingly, Bertoletia is not specially grown for harvesting: the fruits are harvested exclusively from wild trees. In botany, the American walnut is classified as a grain. From one mature tree, you can collect 100-200 kg of fruit per year.

Brazil nuts taste like pine nuts or hazelnuts, but are more insipid. This is the largest, most nutritious and delicious fruit among the other known nuts. It is consumed fresh or fried, added to confectionery and salads. Valuable nut oil is extracted from it.

Bertoletiya fruit – the leader in the content of selenium. In two nuts concentrated daily need of the organism in the trace element. In addition, it contains up to 30% easily digestible protein with a minimum of carbohydrates.

With regular use, American walnut prevents the development of atherosclerosis, cataracts, the onset of early menopause, normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system, regulates blood clotting, and slows down the aging of the body.

Benefit and harm

The beneficial properties of the fruit of Bertoleia are due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, in particular selenium, essential amino acids.

Influence on the body [1]:

  • reduce the number of fat cells, improve metabolism;
  • participate in the process of redox reactions, protect cells from DNA damage, free radicals;
  • prevent cancer of the prostate gland, lungs, intestines and chest;
  • improve the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins;
  • lower cholesterol;
  • dilates blood vessels, activates blood flow, improves blood clotting;
  • strengthen immunity, increase the body’s resistance to bacterial infections and viral diseases;
  • stimulate the restoration of damaged cells, a set of muscle mass;
  • reduce and neutralize inflammatory processes;
  • improve pancreas function and endocrine system functioning;
  • suspend the progression of Alzheimer’s disease;
  • restore strength, energize and energize;
  • increase the sexual activity of men, prolong the female reproductive age;
  • prevent cataracts;
  • prevent the development of hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland;
  • activate the brain;
  • clean the intestines;
  • improve skin condition;
  • contribute to weight loss despite the high calorie content.

Brazil nuts are a source of selenium, without which the synthesis of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that prevents cell oxidation, is impossible. 100 mg of the trace element is concentrated in 1,917 g of the product, which is 3485,5% of the daily requirement [2].

Glutathione peroxidase protects the human body from food and environmental hazards, turning toxic substances into harmless by-products. Increased enzyme production reduces the risk of malignant tumors and prevents the growth of cancer cells. Lack of selenium causes acne, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, a sudden increase or loss of weight, thyroid dysfunction, muscle weakness.

What’s the harm

The Brazil nut belongs to the category of high-calorie foods. Nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of two nuts a day, and overweight people to completely abandon it. [3]. In addition, Bertoletia fruits contain radioactive substances (radium and barium), which have a negative effect on the human body. [4]. One of the characteristic signs of intoxication is radiation damage to bone tissue. The shell of the American walnut is rich in aflatoxins, substances that contribute to the development of liver cancer. [5].

When the product is abused, the following adverse reactions are observed on the part of the body:

  • hair loss;
  • liver damage, a characteristic feature of which is yellowing of the sclera of the eyes;
  • lamination of skin and nails;
  • confusion of thoughts;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • respiratory complication;
  • hyperemia of the dermis.

Criterias of choice

Fresh fruits of Bertoletia are moist to the touch, without rancidity, have a pleasant aroma, and when cracked, they emit a crunch. The composition of the nut includes polyunsaturated oils, which, under the influence of heat and sunlight, quickly burn out, so the product is not stored for a long time. It is optimal to keep it in a closed box in a cold place – this way healthy oils will be preserved from burning out, and the nut will not absorb odors from other products. The fruit has a shelf life of four weeks in the refrigerator and several months in the freezer. [6].

Chemical composition

Bertoletia fruits are characterized by a high content of proteins, mineral elements, unsaturated fatty acids, phytates and phytosterols.

The American walnut is especially rich in the essential amino acid methionine, which accounts for 61,1% of the total amino acids in the product. The biological role of the sulfur-containing compound in the human body is to prevent fatty liver, normalize lipid metabolism, and regenerate kidney tissues. Methionine promotes the processing of fats, prevents their deposition on the walls of arteries, enhances the production of lecithin in the liver, and prevents atherosclerosis [7].

The nutritional value of Brazil nuts is 659 kcal per 100 g. [2]. Energy ratio B : W : Y corresponds to 18% : 69% : 13% [5].

According to the content of phytosterols, Bertoletia kernels are classified as female products, since 100 g contains a double daily norm of the body in the compound (196,4%).

Nutritional value of Brazil nuts [2]
ComponentsContent, g per 100 g of product
Alimentary fiber7,5
Plant Sterols, Polyols0,074
Chemical composition of brazil nut [2]
NameNutrient content, mg per 100 g of product
Choline (B4)28,8
Tocopherol (E)5,65
Ascorbic acid (C)0,7
Thiamine (V1)0,617
Niacin (B3)0,295
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,184
Pyridoxine (V6)0,101
Riboflavin (V2)0,035
Folates (Folic Acid Derivatives)0,022
Trace Elements
Brazilian Amino Acids [2]
NameContent, g per 100 g of product
Glutamic acid3,19
Brazilian Fatty Acids [2]
NameContent, g per 100 g of product
Monounsaturated Fatty Acids23,879
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids24,399
Heptadecanoic (margaric) acid0,041
Tetradecanoic (myristic) acid0,046
Palmitic acid9,626
Octadecanic (stearic) acid6,244
Eicosanoic (arachidic) acid0,167
Alpha Linolenic Acid (Omega-3)0,018
Gamma Linolenic Acid (Omega-6)0,018

Peanut butter

American walnut oil is used in medicine to accelerate the healing of ulcers and wounds, relieve swelling and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in tissues. It is an effective antiseptic with antiviral properties.

Is it possible to eat during pregnancy

Doctors recommend introducing American walnuts into the daily diet of expectant mothers. In addition to amino acids, vitamins and mineral compounds, the product contains useful omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which should be regularly supplied to the body of a pregnant woman.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are involved in the formation of systems and internal organs of the fetus. As a result of the analysis of experimental data, it was found that women who consumed omega-3 during pregnancy had children with better coordination, motor skills, mental development, language and communication skills than mothers who were deficient in essential substances during the period of bearing a baby. [8].

With regular use of PUFAs, the likelihood of preterm birth of various origins, intrauterine growth retardation, placental insufficiency, thrombotic complications, late toxicosis and postpartum depression is reduced.

Omega-3s and omega-6s are not produced by the human body and therefore must be consumed regularly through food or organic supplements. The Brazil nut contains the largest amount of these essential substances.

The high value of the product is also due to the presence of arginine in the composition. The amino acid ensures the normal development of the fetus, prevents blood flow disorders in the placenta, and reduces the risk of oxygen starvation. Arginine improves the vascular tone of the umbilical and uterine arteries, reduces the risk of miscarriage, increases the amount of insulin, and participates in metabolic reactions within cells.

The amino acid has antihypoxic, detoxifying, antioxidant, cytoprotective and anti-asthenic properties. [9].

Brazil nuts are recommended to be consumed raw – this way they retain the most nutrients. [10]. It can also be eaten as part of snacks, sauces, pastries, sweets, fried or salted. The main condition is to take precautions. Do not abuse the fruits, so as not to harm yourself and the health of the child. Two nuts a day are enough to fill the body’s daily need for selenium, unsaturated fatty acids. Otherwise, there may be sharp pains in the abdomen, acne, itching, anaphylactic shock, diarrhea.


The Brazil nut is an exotic Bertoletia fruit with powerful medicinal potential. It helps to overcome emotional disorders, prevents tumor growth, saves from infertility, normalizes blood clotting, maintains eye health, and increases potency in a strong half of humanity.

American walnut has moisturizing and healing properties, due to which it is used in the cosmetic industry and in medicine for the treatment of burns, dermatitis and psoriasis.

The largest part of the product is fat 69%, and only 18% and 13% are proteins and carbohydrates, respectively. In addition, the nut contains amino acids, flavonoids, and nutrients. The former help in the fight against excess weight, stimulate the growth of muscle tissue. The latter are natural antioxidants that improve the course of redox reactions. Still others supply the body with vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain its vital functions.

The recommended daily allowance is two nuts. If you have an allergy, the product should be discarded.

Sources of
  1. ↑ Yuri Konstantinov. – Healing nuts. Walnuts, cedar, cashews, hazelnuts, coconut, peanuts…
  2. ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ My healthy diet. – Calorie “Brazil Nut”. Chemical composition and nutritional value.
  3. ↑ Komsomolskaya Pravda (online edition). – Brazil nuts: benefits and harms to the body.
  4. ↑ Health (Encyclopedia of medicinal plants, herbs). – Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa).
  5. ↑ ↑ Wikipedia. – Brazilian nut.
  6. ↑ (women’s online magazine). – How to store nuts at home.
  7. ↑ Irina Mikheeva, Olga Shamshurina. – Turn on the interior light! The Big Book of Women’s Health and Happiness.
  8. ↑ RMJ (Russian Medical Journal). – The contribution of Omega-3 to micronutrient support during pregnancy.
  9. ↑ Scientific electronic library “CyberLeninka”. – Fetoplacental insufficiency: possibilities of pharmacotherapy.
  10. ↑ Blog about healthy eating | Elementaree. – Brazil nuts: benefits and harms.

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