Braised cabbage: beneficial properties. Video recipe
White cabbage is a vegetable rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, as well as minerals and fiber, and due to its long shelf life, cabbage can be consumed throughout the year. Also, stewed cabbage, which contains a large amount of nutrients, is no less useful.
The benefits of stewed cabbage
Braised cabbage is a low-calorie dish that is rich in vitamin B2, which can normalize energy metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane and skin condition, as well as vitamin PP, which strengthens the vascular walls, and also has a vasodilating effect. 200 grams of stewed cabbage contains the daily intake of vitamin C, which has pronounced antioxidant properties, promotes cholesterol metabolism and strengthens blood vessels. The composition of stewed cabbage also includes fiber, which enhances the intestinal performance and, as a result, eliminates the occurrence of constipation, and also correctly lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
100 grams of finished product contains approximately 20 kilocalories
Stewed cabbage is a very healthy dish for the elderly, as it has anti-sclerotic properties, and this, thanks to antioxidants (E, A and C), can prevent the development of atherosclerosis. White cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable, which contains indole-tri-carbinol, which has an anticarcinogenic effect, in particular, on the development of estrogen-dependent tumors. That is why it reduces the risk of breast cancer.
It is better to stew cabbage with carrots and onions, and season with unrefined sunflower oil, so the dish will be tastier, more aromatic and healthier.
Finally, stewed cabbage is a source of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, as well as many beneficial vitamins.
For example, to provide the body with a daily dose of vitamin C, it is enough to consume 200 grams of the product.
Contraindications to the use of cabbage
It is necessary to exclude this dish from the diet for people suffering from: – increased acidity of the stomach, – acute enterocolitis, – exacerbations of an ulcer, – intestinal spasms. Cabbage can significantly increase pain by irritating the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. It is not recommended to use cabbage for people who have undergone surgery on the chest and abdominal cavity. With great caution, stewed cabbage should be treated by those who suffer from kidney disease and high blood pressure. A large amount of salt retains water, and this can provoke edematous syndrome and the onset of hypertensive crises.