Researchers from the University of Laval in Quebec measured calorie intake in 14 volunteer students after three activities: sitting down, reading and taking notes, and after performing computer tests for memory and attention. Each activity lasted 45 minutes, after which the students were encouraged to go to the buffet and eat what they wanted.
As a result of the experiment, it turned out that after taking notes of the text, students consumed 203 more calories, and after computer tests – 253 more calories than after a period of rest. At the same time, real energy consumption during intellectual activity increased by only three calories.
In addition, the scientists analyzed blood samples from volunteers, which showed significant fluctuations in glucose levels during the intellectual activity of students compared with the rest period.
According to scientists, the brain is able to consume only glucose, during intellectual activity it is quickly consumed. The body must replenish its reserves, but instead of rebalancing from internal sources, the body stimulates food intake. Therefore, scientists strongly advise people engaged in intellectual work not to forget about physical activity and
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