Brain hypoxia – symptoms. What can the effects of cerebral hypoxia be?

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Brain hypoxia is the result of insufficient oxygen being delivered to the brain. It is a very dangerous ailment that can not only cause a disorder of proper functioning, but in many cases it leads to the death of the patient. What are the causes of cerebral hypoxia? What symptoms does brain hypoxia cause?

In order to function properly, our brain requires about 3,3 ml of oxygenated blood per 100 g of brain tissue. It is an element without which we cannot survive for more than 4 minutes. In a situation when the body receives a signal that there is too little oxygen, in the first reflex it tries to oxygenate the brain in an emergency by increasing blood flow.

Brain hypoxia – symptoms

What factors can cause cerebral hypoxia? Factors beyond our control that lead to hypoxia include chronic diseases, for example diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea syndrome. Brain hypoxia is an impairment of the cardiovascular system. Symptoms that appear in hypoxia can appear suddenly:

  1. dizziness
  2. headache
  3. cognitive impairment
  4. sensory and balance disorders
  5. bruising of the face
  6. seizures
  7. coma

Brain hypoxia in the course of chronic diseases can lead to memory disorders, problems with concentration, drowsiness and constant exhaustion. Brain hypoxia can also cause nausea and vomiting. It is a condition that requires a quick response. When the first symptoms appear, you should go to a doctor as soon as possible or go to a hospital for an emergency department. If the patient is not provided promptly, first aid in the next stage of hypoxia may not only lead to convulsions, fainting, but also brain death.

Most often, cerebral hypoxia that progresses suddenly is the result of a disturbance in the work of the circulatory system. Oxygen depletion can be caused by blood clots, atrial fibrillation, both of which lead to ischemic stroke.

Brain hypoxia – effects

The effects of brain hypoxia can lead to irreversible health effects: loss of consciousness and vision, sudden imbalance, dizziness. When cerebral hypoxia is a long-term process, the patient may come to a coma and even die. This is the reason why enough oxygen is not reaching the neurons that support our vital functions. After prolonged hypoxia, areas in the brain that are responsible for muscle control, balance and speech may be disturbed, even if the patient is connected to oxygen, the changes in the brain will be irreversible.

When hypoxia of the brain is suspected, the key response is to give the patient oxygen as soon as possible. If the patient is outside the hospital, artificial respiration and cardiac massage should be performed. When the patient’s condition is stable, appropriate rehabilitation is necessary. Physiotherapists recommend not only exercise, but also hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the main assumption of which is the creation of new neurons to take over the tasks of those damaged during hypoxia. Treatment and rehabilitation should be supervised by specialists. Recovery after non-oxygenation is possible, but it depends not only on properly conducted rehabilitation, but also on the patient’s personal predispositions and his physical abilities. The causes of hypoxia also determine the success of the therapy.

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