Brain fog after COVID-19. How to fight it? Explains the neurologist
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SARS-CoV-2 may contribute, inter alia, to to the development of neurological disorders. People who have stored COVID-19 often complain of a complex of symptoms commonly referred to as brain fog. What is it and how to deal with it? Explains Dr. Olga Milczarek, MD, a neurologist specialist in the Krakow SCM clinic.

  1. One of the consequences of COVID-19 infection is the so-called brain fog, manifested, inter alia, in in difficulty concentrating
  2. Symptoms of brain fog prevent patients from returning to full fitness after illness. For some of them, however, these changes are reversible
  3. There are specific ways to deal with brain fog – says Dr. Olga Mielczarek about them
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.
Olga Milczarek, MD, PhD – specialist in neurology

Assistant professor at the Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Institute of Pediatrics, Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum, specializing in pediatric neurology at the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw. Defense of a doctoral dissertation in 2011 in the field of head injuries in children. She conducts stem cell therapy in children and adults.

What is brain fog and where does it come from?

COVID-19 can cause a syndrome of neurological disorders that can occur both during the disease and persist long after it. Dr. Olga Milczarek, MD, a neurologist, explains that how the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus causes this type of ailments is not yet fully understood.

– So far, most of the research work has focused more on how to fight the disease than on a thorough analysis of its effects. It is known, however, that the pathomechanism of the coronavirus’s action is related to the toxic effects of, among others, the nervous system. On the other hand, a large part of neurological disorders is vascular in nature, and this pathomechanism is already better known. The coronavirus increases the density and viscosity of the blood, causing micro-infarctions, strokes, and vascular thrombosis events that can even lead to acute neurological conditions. In some patients, the symptoms of vascular damage as a result of COVID-19 appear in the area of ​​other organs in the form of damage, e.g. to the lungs or the heart muscle, and in others, it affects the central nervous system, i.e. the brain or peripheral nervous system.

  1. See also: Complications after COVID-19. What are the symptoms and what tests should be done after the disease?

The toxic and vascular effects of the coronavirus within the nervous system are visible in many patients in the form of the so-called brain fog. These are pseudo-rooted symptoms, characterized by cognitive deficits, mainly in fresh memory, but also in long-term memory. People suffering from them complain of difficulties in concentration, fluency of speech, language problems or limited spatial orientation.

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How long does brain fog last?

Patients with such symptoms function much worse than before the disease, and although it is not physical pain and a worse physical or physical condition, they sense the problem on the basis of their mental abilities. The visualization of specific symptoms of brain fog is related to the regions of the brain that have been affected by the coronavirus.

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In some patients, these symptoms pass over time. Unfortunately, as Olga Milczarek, MD, Ph.D. says, there are also more and more people in whom they persist for more than six months after the infection was diagnosed.

– I have patients with this type of difficulties for up to 9 months and it is difficult at the moment to clearly estimate whether it will have long-term consequences. Previous studies, which are in the form of clinical and preclinical trials on animals and small groups of patients, indicate that, unfortunately, these symptoms may be more permanent and that in some people they will not disappear completely – admits the specialist.

Ways for brain fog. Can you beat her? Explains the neurologist

This, of course, does not mean that a person with cerebral fog symptoms is doomed to them. The improvement of cognitive processes can be supported, and the way to this is regular exercise and taking supplements.

One of the basic supporters of the central nervous system is coenzyme Q10, but also vitamin D3, B vitamins, selenium and silicon. These are the most important substances that build the structures of the nervous system and can be used to support the process of neuroregeneration. But, says the neurologist, brain training is the most important thing.

– You should read a lot, solve crosswords, puzzles, try to remember things. The human mind, and especially its cognitive processes, can be rehabilitated and recreated. However, you need to devote your time to it and show regularity in the exercises you take, as if you would learn certain things anew.

In addition, let’s remember about rest, so the right amount of sleep and an undisturbed, but appropriate dose of daily exercise. So that the mind can be refreshed and oxygenated. Already 10 minutes of movement stimulates the mind, concentration and efficient thinking. A proper diet is also essential. The Mediterranean diet is best for the brain. He is served fish, fruit and vegetables, as well as nuts, beans, whole grains and olive oil. Foods rich in carbohydrates and saturated fats should be avoided. Avoiding factors such as stress, fatigue, stimulants and hypoxia, which even normally harm the mind, will allow it to regenerate.

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