Brain disease will be the greatest health threat to the world in the next decade informs «Puls Medycyny», referring to the forecasts of the World Health Organization (WHO). It is also the greatest challenge for doctors and scientists who are to look for ways to effectively fight dementia, Parkinson’s disease, the effects of stroke and mental illness.

  1. Brain diseases are an increasing health problem in the world. In many cases, they lead to disability or death. There are also no effective therapies
  2. The World Health Organization (WHO) endorsed a cross-sectoral global action plan on neurological disorders 2022-2031 this year. He has, inter alia, improve diagnostics and coordination of care for patients
  3. Doctors are doing a lot of research to find new treatments for neurological diseases. Polish scientists are also working on it
  4. More important information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Today, there are over 55 million people worldwide with dementia, and there are nearly 10 million new cases each year informs WHO, adding that the disease is now the seventh most common cause of death among all ailments and one of the leading causes of disability and addiction among the elderly around the world. But it’s not just dementia or the Alzheimer’s disease that causes it.

Another disease, which is becoming more and more common and with consequences, is Parkinson’s disease. Worldwide, according to WHO, cases of disability and death from Parkinson’s disease are increasing faster than those resulting from any other neurological disorder.

The search for new solutions in the fight against brain diseases is still ongoing. It is not easy, because such ailments are most often associated with the advanced age of patients, often go hand in hand with other health problems, and civilization changes only increase the probability of their occurrence and the severity of symptoms.

There is a need not only for new drugs, but also for improved coordination of patient care and diagnostics. What do we know about diseases that increasingly lead to disability or death? What research can bring us closer to new solutions?

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The new therapy will improve cognitive function

Alzheimer’s disease is responsible for 60-75 percent all cases of dementia. Its main symptoms are gradual cognitive decline, including memory, logical thinking and social skills. Patients lose their ability to function independently, but that’s not all. As the disease progresses, in many cases we observe behavioral disorders and symptoms such as apathy, withdrawal, agitation, anxiety, aggression, sleep disturbances, or delirium combined with dementia.

According to estimates, in Poland approx. 360-470 thousand people suffer from dementia caused by Alzheimer’s. Treatment is mostly symptomatic and usually ineffective, but scientists continue to find new therapies. Also in Poland.

Such research was undertaken, among others, by scientists of the Medical University of Lodz informs «The pulse of medicine». They will test the effectiveness and safety of the organic chemical compound dimethyl fumarate in reducing brain atrophy, improving synaptic functional connections, cognitive functions, and the functioning and quality of life of patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment and dementia in Alzheimer’s disease.

As reported by dr hab. n. med. Jakub Kaźmierski, the main researcher, the aim of the therapy is to obtain a beneficial effect on cognitive functions, including memory, thinking, language functions and orientation. Doctors hope to extend the independence and self-sufficiency of patients.

Doctors from Gdańsk are working on a stroke therapy

A stroke is a group of neurological symptoms caused by sudden stoppage of blood flow to the brain. It occurs when a large artery that supplies blood to the brain or a small intracerebral artery becomes closed, severely constricted or ruptured, and fails to carry oxygen and nutrients to a specific area of ​​the brain. Stroke is the most common cause of permanent disability in adults in the world and one of the most common causes of death.

Polish doctors are also successful in this field. Researchers from Gdańsk, thanks to a new therapeutic method, managed to bring the patient to full recovery after a stroke. They created a complex regimen of pharmacotherapy in patients whose small or medium artery supplying blood to the brain was closed in people who were constantly taking the so-called anticoagulants. The effectiveness of this method is tested as part of the STROACT project, implemented by the Department of Neurology of the Medical University of Gdańsk.

“If the research shows effectiveness, every year dozens or even hundreds of people in a country like ours will return to normal or almost normal life activity after a stroke, and in such a case these standards would also be implemented by international societies” told «Puls Medycyny» prof. dr hab. med. Bartosz Karaszewski, head of the Department of Neurology.

Do you need a neurological consultation? Make an appointment with a neurologist today.

WHO announces a global plan

Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. Over 10 million people worldwide are affected by this disease. It is a degenerative brain condition associated with motor symptoms (slowness of movement, tremors, stiffness, walking and imbalance) and a wide variety of non-motor complications (cognitive impairment, mental health problems, sleep disturbances, and pain and other sensory disturbances).

Worldwide, disability and death from Parkinson’s disease are increasing faster than with any other neurological disorder. Its incidence has doubled in the past 25 years informs WHO. In May 2022, the WHO approved the cross-sectoral global action plan on neurological disorders 2022-2031. The action plan will address the challenges and gaps in the provision of care and services for people with epilepsy and other neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease.

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