Braga on wheat: 3 recipes at home

It has long been no secret that wheat is an excellent ingredient for making homemade moonshine, and store-bought vodka too.

Making mash from wheat grain is not particularly different from many other mash options. The main thing is to strictly observe the time, proportions and deadlines. This is especially true for recipes where pressed yeast is not used, and wild stamps will start the fermentation process.

Braga on wheat without yeast recipe

This recipe does not use artificial yeast, which allows you to cook mash with almost no specific unpleasant odor.

Sugar increases the yield of the finished product, but does not affect its taste and aroma.


  1. Wheat – 4 kg

  2. Granulated sugar – 4 kg

  3. Water – 30 L

Method of preparation

  1. To begin with, we need to prepare the so-called cereal malt, which can fully replace pressed yeast. To do this: we fill one kilogram of wheat in an even layer in a wide container and fill it with water 1-2 cm above the main product.

  2. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 1-2 days in a dark but cool place.

  3. After the grain sprouts, add 500 g of granulated sugar and mix well with your hands. If the mass is very thick, then you can add a little more water.

  4. We shift the resulting mass into a jar, cover the neck with gauze and leave for 10 days in a warm room.

  5. When the starter is ready, we transfer it to a bottle of a suitable volume, add the remaining sugar and wheat.

  6. Then pour in water, which was preheated to 30 degrees and knead everything thoroughly.

  7. Now we install a water seal or you can use a rubber glove with a small hole on one of the fingers. We transfer the container to a dark place with a temperature of 18–24 degrees for 7–20 days.

  8. As soon as the fermentation is completely over, we filter the finished mash through gauze and you can start distillation.

You can not throw away wheat, but cook 2-3 more servings of mash. To do this, each time add 4 kg of granulated sugar and the amount of water indicated in the recipe.

Braga on sprouted wheat recipe


  1. Wheat – 2,2 kg

  2. Water – 17 L

  3. Granulated sugar – 5 kg

  4. Pressed baker’s yeast – 100 g

Method of preparation

  1. We sift the wheat to get rid of excess debris.

  2. Then fill it with 2 liters of water at room temperature.

  3. We cover the container with a lid and transfer it for 2-3 days to a dark, warm place.

  4. After the wheat has sprouted, it is necessary to heat the water to 50 degrees and completely dissolve all the sugar in it.

  5. As soon as the syrup cools down to 35–40 degrees, add yeast and sprouted grain to it.

  6. Mix the resulting mass well and pour it into a glass container for fermentation.

  7. We install a water seal or a glove and leave it for 15 days in a dark, warm room.

  8. After the end of fermentation, we filter the wheat mash through a gauze filter and can be distilled to obtain home-made moonshine.

Braga from wheat flour recipe


  1. Flour – 4 kg

  2. Water – 16 L

  3. Dry yeast – 20 g

  4. Enzymes amylosubtilin and glucavamorin 10 grams each.

Method of preparation

  1. Boil water, add flour to a warm solution. In this case, you need to do everything so that lumps do not form.

  2. Each of the prepared enzymes must be added strictly at a certain temperature. First, amylosubtilin is added at a temperature of 80 degrees, then glucavamorin at a temperature of 65 degrees. The composition reaches this temperature in about an hour. Neglect of this rule can lead to the fact that the raw material is very poorly saccharified!

  3. After completing the process of preparing the mash on enzymes, you need to introduce diluted yeast. It is advisable to do this as quickly as possible, since the necessary fermentation mode will pass quickly and a delicious drink will not work.

  4. Then the entire composition is poured into a fermentation tank, and this must be done while it is warm, about 25-30 degrees.

  5. Now the mash can be distilled.

Relevance: 06.04.2018

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Braga recipes

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