
The Okinawa Islands (Japan) has a record number of centenarians. Why? Two American physicians, in collaboration with their Japanese colleague, have studied the phenomenon in detail and offer detailed instructions on how we can adopt and apply the amazing experience of Okinawa to our lives.

Secrets of Okinawa

The Okinawa Islands (Japan) has a record number of centenarians. But the main thing is that people who have already celebrated their centenary remain healthy and in good spirits! The book, which was written by American doctors in collaboration with a Japanese colleague, summarizes the results of a 25-year study of the lifestyle of Okinawans. The healthiest diet in the world, martial arts and folk dances, breathing techniques and meditation, respect for your body and soul, maintaining human connections … step by step instructions are given for each of these points. And you don’t have to be Japanese to follow the «Okinawa program»! Quote: “Okinawan people, as well as the Inuit, who eat fish at least three times a week, have the lowest risk of breast cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil are an active component that prevents the development of the disease. According to studies, this consumption of fish provides women in Okinawan with three times more fatty acids in the blood than women in North America.”

Ripol classic, 2013

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