Брадикардия сердца у взрослых
A person’s pulse changes with age. For example, in older people it is slow. But sometimes a slow heartbeat, in other words, bradycardia, can be a sign of illness. How dangerous is this condition and what to do?

What is cardiac bradycardia

Bradycardia is a slow heartbeat when the heart rate (HR) is below 60 beats per minute.

The normal pulse rate for adults at rest should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. But it happens that the heart rate drops below the minimum mark. For example, during deep sleep. Or in physically active adults and athletes – in most cases this is normal. But sometimes a slow heartbeat can be a sign of an arrhythmia.

Causes of cardiac bradycardia in adults

Bradycardia can be caused by problems with the sinus node (this is called sick sinus syndrome) or it can be a problem with any of the electrical pathways that run through the heart.

Pathological provocateurs can be a disease or medical problems, such as:

  • heart injury from a heart attack, endocarditis, or a medical procedure;
  • inflammation of the heart muscle;
  • congenital heart disease;
  • acquired heart defects;
  • low thyroid function;
  • электролитный дисбаланс в крови;
  • sleep apnea;
  • Lyme disease;
  • certain medicines, including beta-blockers and heart rhythm medicines.

Symptoms of cardiac bradycardia in adults

Too low a heart rate can cause insufficient blood flow to the brain. Symptoms of bradycardia include:

  • fatigue or weakness;
  • dizziness or lightheadedness;
  • confusion;
  • fainting or pre-fainting conditions;
  • shortness of breath;
  • difficulty in exercising;
  • cardiac arrest (in extreme cases).

Treatment of cardiac bradycardia in adults

You may not have any symptoms of bradycardia. But if low heart rate is a frequent occurrence, you should consult a doctor. If bradycardia is accompanied by dangerous symptoms, an ambulance should be called urgently. These include:

  • fainting, dizziness or severe weakness;
  • confusion;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • chest pain.


The first test to make a diagnosis is to measure your heart rate. In addition, the patient will do an ECG.

Если брадикардия – явление периодическое, может потребоваться амбулаторный монитор, который отслеживает ЧСС в течение длительного времени. Кроме того, пациента попросят фиксировать симптомы в течение этого обследования, а потом врач сравнит их с показаниями монитора, чтобы определить, является ли проблема сердечного ритма причиной и связана ли частота сердечных сокращений с неприятными симптомами.

Modern treatments

If bradycardia does occur but there are no symptoms, or if it occurs infrequently or does not last long, treatment may not be necessary.

If treatment is needed, it will be based on the cause of the disease. In cases where the problem is related to the heart’s electrical signals, you will need a pacemaker, a small device that is placed under the skin and monitors the heart rate and rhythm. If necessary, it will send an electrical impulse to the heart to restore normal heart rate. There are many types of pacemakers, the doctor will definitely select the best option.

Prevention of cardiac bradycardia in adults at home

Although some factors, such as age and congenital heart defects, cannot be controlled, the most effective way to prevent bradycardia is to reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

Here are the main preventive measures:

  • поддерживайте здоровый вес – выполняйте упражнения и придерживайтесь здоровой сбалансированной диеты с низким содержанием жиров, богатой фруктами, овощами и цельнозерновыми продуктами;
  • Manage stress – avoid unnecessary worries and learn to cope with everyday stress;
  • give up bad habits – quit smoking (if you can’t, ask your doctor about programs and strategies to help you get rid of this habit), reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum, or better, give it up altogether;
  • keep your blood pressure and cholesterol under control – make lifestyle changes and take your medications as prescribed;
  • regularly undergo medical examinations;
  • monitor and treat existing heart conditions, take your prescribed medications, and report new or worsening symptoms immediately.

Popular questions and answers

Answered typical questions about bradycardia cardiologist Tamaz Gagloshvili.

Is bradycardia always dangerous? Is it always a pathology?
Heart rate 60 – 90 beats / min – a very conditional rate of rest. Quite often, in perfectly healthy people, the resting pulse can be below 60 beats / min. This is bradycardia.

Bradycardia happens:

Physiological. Человек может родиться с редким пульсом (к примеру, 45 — 50 уд мин). При этом он адаптирован к нему в течение жизни и чувствуе себя хорошо. Данный вид брадикардии не так уж редко встречается на практике и лечение, как правило, не требуется.

During sleep, bradycardia is also characteristic – this is a protective, adaptive mechanism of the body that allows the main organ of our body to rest.

Often a rare pulse is normal in athletes, including athletes in the past.

Pathological. Например, синдром слабости синусового узла. В сердце есть проводящая нервная система, которая проводит нервные импульсы, и за счет них сердце и сокращается. Во главе этой проводящей системы находится синусовый узел, который и генерирует импульсы. Синдром слабости синусового узла – это патологическое состояние, при котором снижается частота импульсов, исходящих из синусового узла. Его могут вызвать различные заболевания сердечно-сосудистой системы, такие как ишемическая болезнь сердца (ИБС), кардиомиопатии, пороки сердца, воспалительные заболевания (миокардит, перикардит) и так далее. Одним из проявлений слабости синусового узла может быть неадекватный ответ пульса на нагрузку. То есть вы бежите, давление растет, а пульс растет недостаточно!

Often, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases take certain drugs (ACE inhibitors, sartans, potassium-sparing diuretics, etc.), which lead to an excessive accumulation of blood potassium, which in turn can also lead to pathological bradycardia.

And do not forget about the pathology of the thyroid gland – hypothyroidism. When there is much less thyroid hormone in the blood than it should be, this leads to a slowdown in metabolism and to bradycardia.

Drug conditioned. For example, while taking beta-blockers (bisoprolol, metoprolol, etc.), cardiac glycosides, calcium antagonists, antiarrhythmic drugs, antidepressants, etc.

When to call a doctor at home for bradycardia of the heart?
Обращаться к врачу нужно в двух случаях:

• dangerous symptoms appeared – dizziness, unsteady gait, weakness and poor exercise tolerance, pre-syncope or loss of consciousness;

• the pulse in the daytime is 45 beats / min and below.

Is it possible to treat bradycardia with folk remedies?
I strongly do not recommend resorting to self-medication or treatment with folk remedies.

• If a person has had bradycardia for a long time and is adapted to it, no treatment is required, only observation.

• If the bradycardia is caused by medications, the attending physician should either reduce the doses of the medications or cancel them altogether.

• If the bradycardia is pathological, caused by a disease of the cardiovascular system, which is manifested by the above symptoms, a pacemaker will be installed.

Remember: there are no drugs that can base treat bradycardia!

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