Braces from 3 years old, why?

Contrary to popular belief, concerns about alignment and misposition are rarely linked to the teeth themselves, but to the imbalance of the bony bases that support the dental arches.

Why an appliance for baby teeth?

Early orthodontic treatments therefore propose to correct these imbalances sometimes as early as 3 years, so that they do not cause too much damage. Result: the device exerts pressure on the temporary dentition, but its action is in fact on bone growth. It will especially correct small asymmetries (when the jawbones overlap badly or the mandible deviates to the side).

These asymmetries, which often go unnoticed, can in fact ultimately lead to facial disharmony and in some cases to imbalances in the spine, such as scoliosis. Another mission: early treatment makes it possible to counter functional disorders, such as breathing through the mouth.

Need dental braces: in which case should you wait until the age of 7-8 years?

Early orthodontic treatment is demanding treatment. It will only give results if our child accepts the constraints: wearing of an almost permanent device, systematic brushing of teeth (3 times a day), regular visits to the orthodontist. As for parents, it is better to be available. The device must be frequently adjusted and thoroughly washed. If our child won’t let go of his thumb or dress on his own yet, maybe it’s better to wait a bit?

What are the most suitable dental appliances?

In the vast majority of cases, orthodontists opt for a removable appliance who is clippe on the teeth. Its strengths: quick installation (a few seconds), easy removal for the child, simple adjustments for parents, but above all, a device that does not hurt! Last find: some prosthetists make inlays of images on the devices, at the level of the part which touches the palate (truck, doll, characters…). To optimize results, the device can be supplemented at the end of treatment by sessions at the speech therapist, in order to relearn how to place your tongue correctly or to chew on both sides in a balanced way.

Braces: what is the duration of orthodontic treatment?

The fitting of braces in young children should not not exceed 6 to 12 months. Results are quick on fabrics that are still soft and malleable. But beware, appointments are frequent and devices are renewed regularly (approximately every two months). The device is worn at all times, day and night. Your child only takes it off to wash it with soap, brush its teeth, and exceptionally to eat.

Can early treatment prevent fitting in adolescence?

Because they intervene upstream, early treatment can prevent problems that are often more difficult to deal with in adolescence. In the absence of equipment during early childhood, the orthodontist then generally offers children 12-13 years of age, the installation of permanent bands (for a minimum period of one year), sometimes painful at first. Conclusion: offering screening at the dental surgeon to your child from 3 years old can limit the duration and severity of the care that will be provided to him in adolescence, sometimes even dispense with it!

Dental apparatus: what is its cost and what coverage by Social Security?

Social Security covers orthodontics for those under 16. ” It reimburses six semesters of care, consecutive or not », Explains Vanessa Bernon of the communication department of the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM). The age of the child at the time of fitting the appliance is irrelevant. Nevertheless, early treatment should be of short duration (one year maximum), in order to leave the possibility of a new intervention in adolescence that can be reimbursed.

Both care and fitting are taken into account at 100%, but capped. For a dysmorphosis, for example, the CNAM grants 193,50 euros per semester, and the overall treatment must not exceed the sum of 1 euros. In the event that fees are exceeded, you have to rely on your mutual insurance company.

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