BPA standards incorrect? Plastics can contain 44 times more toxins than previously thought 

Scientists have developed a more accurate method to measure levels of bisphenol A (BPA) in the human body. They found that exposure to the endocrine disruptor was significantly greater than previously assumed.

BPA standards. New arrangements

Prof. Patricia Hunt, a biologist at Washington State University, has been researching BPA (bisphenol A), a dangerous toxin found in plastics, for years. This year, together with a team of scientists of various specialties, developed a more thorough method of measuring BPA content. In a study published in The Lancet. Diabetes & Endocrinology ”argued that the BPA limit recognized by the US Food and Drug Administration was incorrectly determined. According to the findings of prof. Hunt, it can be understated – 44 times! The researcher suspects that the regulation of BPA content is based on inaccurate measurements.

‘I hope this study will highlight the methodology used to measure BPA and that other experts and laboratories will take a closer look at it,’ said Dr Roy Gerona, co-author of the paper.

Since 2012, the Food and Drug Administration has banned the use of BPA in the production of bottles and cups for infants and young children, who are particularly exposed to the harmful effects of this compound.

What is BPA and how does it affect health?

Annually it is produced about 9 million tons of BPA particleswhich are commonly found in products made of polycarbonate plastic. BPA enters the body through the digestive system, respiratory system, and skin. It has been proven to seriously disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system. It disrupts the production of sperm and eggs and affects the number of chromosomes in reproductive cells. It is largely responsible for fertility problems. Bisphenol A is also suspected of having diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. In addition, it contributes to disturbances in the work of the heart and nervous system.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Microplastic contamination is all around us. They can endanger our health
  2. Food packaging can be harmful to our health in the long run
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