The film «Svyatosha»

So on the go, a mentally healthy girl creates a problem.

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Sick psychotherapy is characterized by the following settings:

  • “There are no healthy people, everyone has problems, everyone is a little sick.”

Creation of problems and intrapersonal conflicts from scratch due to the conviction that in the depths of each person’s personality such problems and intrapersonal conflicts are necessarily present. See Intrapersonal Conflicts and Internal Problem Formation.

Here is the belief in the vulnerability of the child. The belief that any use of force against a child gives rise to non-healing psychotraumas in him, which do not allow him to continue to function successfully and be happy.

Negativism in assessing the possibility of mental health, the conviction that there are no healthy people. Everyone is sick, and one of the most dangerous diseases is closeness as a denial of one’s illness. “What prevents you from looking inside yourself and revealing your experiences to us?”

  • Ignoring the power of the mind, fear of tension, disbelief in achieving big goals.

Myopia in setting life goals. Propaganda that happiness (personal happiness) is the highest human value, to which only one should strive. At the same time, happiness is understood as the absence of tension; accordingly, work turns out to be the enemy of a person who is looking for his own happiness.

Getting what you want is impossible. Attitudes: «Don’t lie to yourself that you will be able to achieve your goals next time. Do not fight with your own nature, accept your features.

Accept your uniqueness — wisely. Fighting your own nature is ineffective and therefore stupid. But dwelling on your features and giving up big goals in life (“This is not mine! This is beyond my nature!”) is a betrayal of your capabilities. “Man is weak and usually overestimates his abilities”: this can be a useful truth for psychasthenics who, having no resources, strain themselves and get only additional problems. In relation to the cheerful and mentally healthy part of the population, such propaganda is a carrier of the infection of weakness.

  • The priority of the strategy «Accept!», ignoring the strategy «Change!».

The conviction that attempts to intervene, influence only exacerbate problems, and instead of fighting, the best thing that happened is to accept. See Women’s Approach to Psychotherapy

To change something in another person is not realistic at all. And don’t try, it will only get worse.

Since stress is always and inevitable around us, problems are natural, massive negative emotions are natural and inevitable moments of life, it is not environmentally friendly to remove them, they only need to be lived (carried through with minimal losses).

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