«Do not pretend. And don’t lie to yourself. Most importantly, don’t lie to yourself, ”says uncle Denis Viktorovich to the writer Denis Dragunsky.
He honestly tells the boy Denis and uncle Denis Viktorovich how his childhood, youth, life and love passed. Especially love. There are no countless love stories in the book, and they are all different. The feeling, which lasted three hours, causes arguments for many pages, and two painful years of relationship fit into three phrases. The uncle and the boy interrupt, correct, shame and scold him, but do not leave. “To listen to you, so your whole life consisted of continuous love adventures,” the boy says. Not certainly in that way. But from the subtlest emotions and barely perceptible experiences — yes, it consists. An adult Dragoon does not try to negotiate with his Child and Parent. It is important for him to honestly retell his life, rethink and let go. Miraculously, a grateful confession of a happy life is obtained.
AST, 320 p.