Box diet vs online diet – which – Nutrition – Articles |

However, is the box diet a solution for everyone? Let’s check it out!

In today’s article, we decided to take a closer look at the arguments for and against box diets and compare them to online diets.


The prices of box diets usually start from about fifty zlotys a day. It all depends, of course, on what catering company we choose, what calorific value and what kind of diet. On the other hand, the prices of online diets are a few zlotys a day plus ingredients, the price of which is several zlotys. A quick calculation is enough to conclude that online diets are much cheaper.


In the case of box diets, we usually define it ourselves. Unfortunately, our choice is not supervised by a dietitian – of course, we can perform a test, but it is usually much more limited than tests with online diets. This test collects the basic information necessary to calculate the caloric value. 


This is undoubtedly the greatest asset of dietary catering. We don’t have to worry about anything – boxes are delivered to our door every day. You do not have to spend time in the kitchen, take care of shopping – all logistic issues are not our problem anymore. This makes it the perfect solution for the busy. How is online diets? Here you have to flex a bit. Although recipes can be incredibly simple and not requiring great effort, they still require a lot of time from us. 


Exactly – only a few diet catering offer us the option of choosing meals in advance. Usually, they do not accept the exclusion of ingredients that we dislike. It is completely different with online diets – we decide what is on the menu today, because each dish can be replaced with another, of course, in accordance with their calorific value. 


As the name suggests, the box diet means a huge amount of packaging. Every day we get a few tightly packed plastic containers which then just end up in the basket. This is a nightmare for our planet. Unfortunately, on the fingers of one hand you can name companies that care about this issue or promise to improve. When using online diets, we decide what we will pack our meal in. Of course, it will be best if we choose reusable packaging – jars, all kitchen containers or paper bags. 

When it comes to the ecological issue, food waste is also worth mentioning here. In the case of both options – dietary catering and online diets, we are sure that, as long as all meals are eaten by us, we do not throw away food excessively. In dietary catering, we get a portion that is intended for us, and in online diets, we are able to accurately plan a given week and our purchases. For the benefit of the wallet and our planet.


When deciding on dietary catering, we have the opportunity to try something new – we get dishes that we would not often cook at home. Of course, it’s the same with online diets – the difference, however, is in the simplicity of the ingredients, which is much greater here.

In summary, box diets are ideal for busy people who have a hard time finding time to cook a meal during the day. However, we must remember about the limitations associated with such a diet compared to online diets – box diets are not available in every city, and the diet is not always composed by a dietitian. However, we hope that all the arguments “for” and “against” will help you choose an option that is more favorable to you. 

If you are interested in what an online diet looks like, be sure to check out the free sample menu.

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