Bowel diseases – how to recognize them and how to treat them?

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Bowel diseases are the most common of all gastrointestinal diseases. The intestines are a very important organ of the human body, and at the same time very delicate. Bowel disease has common symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose specific bowel conditions. This article explains what bowel diseases are and how to recognize them.

Bowel disease: ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is one type of inflammatory bowel disease. It is characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the rectum and the largest part of the large intestine – the colon. The causes of IBD (inflammatory bowel diseases) are genetic, immune and environmental, and some sources also indicate a disturbance of the free radical balance. Ulcerative colitis is manifested by diarrhea (most often chronic, recurrent) and anemia. Non-specific symptoms include ankylosing spondylitis, peripheral arthritis, erythema nodosum, and perianal lesions. The key tests in diagnosis are: colonoscopy and blood in the stool. The most common methods of treatment are medications and the removal of the affected part of the intestine.

Bowel diseases: Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is the second type of inflammatory bowel disease. The causes are disorders of the intestinal microflora and the immune system, leaky intestinal mucosa and the genetic basis. In addition to abdominal pain, the patient is losing weight, is weak and has symptoms of inflammation (fever).

Bowel Disease: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (intestinal oversensitivity) is a disorder of the digestive system and is chronic in nature. The most common cause is mental, especially stress. Symptoms vary. They are easily confused with other diseases. Symptoms are: cramping abdominal pain in the lower part, diarrhea after meals, under stress and in the morning hours. There may also be flatulence, nausea and vomiting, and heartburn. It is difficult to diagnose IBS because it does not give results in laboratory and diagnostic tests. Treatment includes symptom relief, diet and the administration of stress-relieving drugs.

If you want to support the work of the intestines, you can also try the dietary supplement Chaga Extract 400 mg, which improves the digestive process. You can find it on Medonet Market.

Intestinal diseases: Celiac disease

Celiac disease is a gluten-dependent celiac disease. The immune system does not tolerate gluten (a protein present in wheat, rye, barley), which causes an inflammatory reaction and atrophy of the intestinal villi. This process, in turn, blocks the absorption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Symptoms of gluten intolerance are: diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, canker sores, vomiting, malnutrition and growth disturbance in children. In the course of celiac disease, erythema and blisters may appear. Treatment is based on a grain-eliminating diet.

To reduce intestinal ailments, we recommend Intestinal Support – Pharmovit Drops Extract, available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Bowel Disease: Small Intestine Overgrowth Syndrome (SIBO)

SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome) is a condition in the small intestine in which the number of bacteria increases to 10 to the power of 5 per 1 g or 1 ml. This causes a malabsorption of fats and vitamins, which results in: diarrhea, gas or flatulence. Weight loss or skin symptoms such as rash and erythema do occur. SIBO accompanies other diseases: incl. IBS, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease.

Bowel diseases: infectious enteritis

Among infectious enteritis, we can distinguish infectious inflammations caused by specific microorganisms, e.g. rotaviruses (rotavirus gastroenteritis), Escherichia coli bacteria (so-called travelers’ diarrhea), Salmonella typhi (typhoid fever, formerly called typhus), Shigella (bacterial dysentery) or Staphylococcus aureus (staphylococcal inflammation). Infectious enteritis also includes candidiasis, i.e. fungal enteritis. They are caused by the excessive growth of Candida albicans yeasts (it is most often caused by antibiotic therapy). Candidiasis weakens the immune system and increases susceptibility to other illnesses, including mental disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

The detection of microorganisms in the stool and the exclusion of other diseases of the digestive system enable dispatch tests of the stool with a basic intestinal profile and tests for acute enteritis.

Check which drugs are recommended in the fight against traveler’s disease

Intestinal diseases: parasitic diseases

The most common are pinworms, giardiasis, tapeworm, and ascariasis. We get infected with giardia, tapeworm, pinworm and human roundworm: through the ingestion (through unwashed fruit and vegetables, contaminated raw water, infected, raw or undercooked meat), through failure to maintain hygiene (dirty hands), contact with animals.

The main symptoms of parasitic infections are diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness, as well as coughing and shortness of breath (ascariasis).

Do you want to get tested for parasitic diseases or other intestinal diseases? Order a mail-order faecal test for acute intestinal diseases through Medonet Market.

Intestinal diseases: diverticula of the large intestine

Large intestine diverticula are projections of the outer wall of the intestine, most often the colon of the large intestine. Most often it affects the elderly, over 60 years of age. Diverticula cause: diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation and flatulence, as well as inflammation and abscess, which often leads to hemorrhage and requires hospital treatment.

Take care of your intestines and digestive system using preparations available in the Set of digestive and intestinal supplements – Harmonix + Cemmunix. They are completely natural and have a synergistic effect to support digestion and immunity.

Bowel diseases: Colon polyps

Polyps are the opposite – a bulging of the intestinal wall towards its interior. Polyps can form when inflamed. The symptoms include: rectal bleeding, pressure on the stools and mucous stools.

Bowel diseases: Colon cancer

Colorectal cancer is the third most frequently diagnosed and fatal cancer in Poland. Its development is associated with malignant polyps, leading an unhealthy lifestyle (obesity, diabetes, alcohol and cigarette abuse, and lack of physical activity).

One of the methods of diagnosing intestinal diseases is through stool tests. At Medonet Market, you can buy intestinal microfine mail-order tests. Mail-order examinations are a good solution to avoid queues at clinics. In turn, for gut support, try JeliHerbs Good Intestinal Function – a herbal mixture available on Medonet Market in a large economic package.

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