Bow anzur

The townsfolk are accustomed to the fact that the main savior from spring vitamin deficiency is called salad. But anzur overtook this greenery in terms of productivity, becoming almost a champion in terms of nutritional components.

General information

In fact, anzur is not one type of onion, but a whole family that used to grow only in the mountainous regions of Central Asia. Over time, people learned about many of its useful qualities and began to plant a natural helper in their own gardens.

The most famous representatives of this botanical category are commonly called varieties: Suvorov, highest, tall, stalked, giant, Aflatunsky. A distinctive feature is an impressive stem with spherical inflorescences. Of the relative shortcomings, a short life cycle of the natural nutrient pantry is distinguished here. Usually in the fall, onion-garlic is prepared for the spring growing season, and with the onset of heat, it quickly fades.

Because of the peculiarities of pronunciation, some call this plant onion-anzor. But, regardless of the popular name, it is equally often used in both oriental medicine and culinary arts.

After enterprising businessmen put on stream the production of spices based on this representative of the flora, the number of their natural plantations was significantly reduced. The authorities of Uzbekistan were very concerned about this outcome, which contributed to the inclusion of some species in the Red Book.

But in other countries, mountain onions can often be found in household plots. It is grown to create medicines, as well as simply for the sake of decorative qualities. Fluffy purple balls will decorate not only the garden, but even the flower bed.

If we talk about the chemical composition of the gift of nature, then here he overtook even the onion analogue. An unusual “relative” has much more solids, as well as ascorbic acid. The indicator of the latter overtook almost four times the nearest onion competitor.

But even without this, the garden guest is able to boast of useful components like phytoncides. There is a supply of vitamins D, E.

In terms of energy value, it is often compared with raw radishes.

Usually raw onions are not eaten. This happens because of the specific aroma, as well as saponins. Instead, the beneficial properties manifest themselves in a canned form.

If you properly prepare a pickled stock, you can help your own body successfully cope with:

  • spasms of the brain;
  • vision problems;
  • colds.

If you bake the onions, or boil them in honey syrup, you can help the stomach resist a number of ailments. And freshly squeezed juice perfectly copes with the next attack of rheumatism. The healing liquid will help those who suffer from hair loss. It is rubbed right at the roots to strengthen the bulbs.

But many gardeners do not seek to delve into aspects of traditional medicine, preferring to grow exclusively for decorative purposes. If you cut off the inflorescences on long stems, then they can stand in their original form for more than a week.

Growing rules

To have a vitamin storehouse at hand for almost all occasions, it is easier to learn how to plant it yourself. Harvesting does not last very long, as the formation of seeds stretches for only a couple of months. Because of this, many prefer to receive new “offspring” through bulbs.

The summer period for the plant is a real vacation, because its bulbs are dug up. And planted back in late August or early September. The main recommendations for obtaining a crop without losses are:

  1. Landing density. It is necessary to seat specimens at a minimum distance, lowering them into previously created furrows to a depth of no more than 12 cm.
  2. Coolness for the winter. A beginner garden does not require any ground shelters. It survives even really low temperatures well.
  3. Top dressing. To achieve optimal results, you need to fertilize the hatched seedlings with a solution of urea in May. For subsequent care, no frills are required. It is enough from time to time to put chicken manure under the bush, to weed with regular watering.

The beginning of summer is marked by active flowering, and after another month, the inflorescences will delight with seeds. For convenience, the testicles are carefully cut off. The end of August provides for the repetition of the cycle anew.

Nutrient composition

The main advantage of a representative of the flora is the ability to protect a person from scurvy. There is an opinion that it was with his help that Suvorov’s army was able to survive during a mass illness with this disease. Hence the corresponding name of one of the varieties.

Experts advise including canned onions in your winter diet when your body needs nutritional supplements. No wonder the plant was equated with ginseng in ancient times. Anzur has a beneficial effect on the processes of inhibition of aging. We are talking about improving vision, hearing in old age.

Those who often suffer from vertigo, or have recently noticed that their memory has begun to deteriorate, will like the seaming. For knowledge workers, students and pensioners, the gifts of nature will help restore the lost balance of power.

The hidden trump card of anzur is the stimulation of the production of nonspecific immunity. Thanks to effective protection, a person can protect himself from various diseases that seriously undermine health.

Biologically active components that help cleanse the body are not only the above vitamins, but also carotenoids. The composition in abundance offers mineral salts, which are usually not included in traditional vitamin complexes, or are added in meager amounts.

With regular use of properly made preservation, you can achieve a significant improvement in the functioning of the digestive system, as well as improve the condition of the affected joints.

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