Bovine heart tomato – description and characteristics
Tomato “Bull’s Heart” is famous for its large fruits of an unusual shape. Despite the whimsical variety, its popularity is very high. To get a good harvest, you need to carefully follow all the rules for growing tomatoes.
Description of tomatoes “Bull heart”
Tomatoes “Bull’s Heart” have a pleasant aroma, sweetish taste and unusual color. They are too coarse to pickle and are commonly used in juices and salads. The thin rind is easily separated from the pulp, and the inside is dense and fleshy, with almost no streaks. The crops ripen in an average of 2 months and bear fruit well all the time.
Tomato “Bovine Heart” can reach very large sizes
The tomato got its name due to its unusual heart shape, bright red color and large size. Fruit weight can reach 800 grams. The species has several hybrid counterparts that differ in color. They are yellow, pink and even black.
Giant tomatoes are not only tasty, but also healthy. They include:
- vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, K,
- beta-carotene,
- pectin,
- cellulose,
- folic and niacin.
Such tomatoes are an indispensable ingredient in dishes for people who care about their appearance. They are low in calories and dull the feeling of hunger, and the vitamins included in the composition help to rejuvenate the skin.
How to grow a bull’s heart tomato
Crops are planted both in the garden beds and in greenhouses. On the open ground, you can collect about 5 kg of tomatoes from each bush, in greenhouse conditions – up to 12 kg of fruits from one plant.
To get the maximum yield, you need to carefully follow all the rules for planting and care:
- Soil preparation. Choose an area that is well lit by the sun, and the soil should contain a lot of organic matter.
- Planting seedlings. Plant strong and hardened seedlings in open ground in May, after sprinkling with a disinfectant.
- Top dressing of bushes. Carry out the first feeding 10 days after planting, for example, with infusion of bird droppings. You can choose other means as well. Fertilize the tomatoes weekly until fully ripe.
- Treatment of plants from pests and diseases. While the fruits are forming, spray the plants with a weak solution of calcium nitrate every 10 days.
- Correct watering. Water the plants at the root, up to 3 times a week.
- Formation of bushes. The fruits are heavy and the bushes are very sprawling and can reach 1,5 m. Therefore, tie the plants up several times a season.
When choosing seeds or seedlings, study well the description and characteristics of the bull’s heart tomatoes. They belong to late varieties and ripen for a long time, so they are more suitable for the southern territories.
Growing such large tomatoes is a laborious process. But the yield of the variety is consistently high, and the fruits are well stored and transported.