Bouquet of Chuvashia: history and overview of species

The Buket Chuvashia enterprise, located in Cheboksary, specializes in the production of beer and soft drinks.

The number of varieties of foam produced by the plant is estimated at two dozen items, among which you can find an option for every taste: from classic barley to unfiltered wheat.

The brand is positioned as a regional one, but it is also popular outside the republic, which is confirmed by numerous awards. The enterprise has about 2 hundred of them.

Brand History

Beer has been brewed in Chuvashia since ancient times. In the old days, almost every family prepared a national hop drink, growing hops for it on their own, and preparing malt. Therefore, the construction of a brewery on the outskirts of Cheboksary, begun in 1969, was only a natural continuation of local traditions.

After only 5 years – in November 1974 – the first batch of foam called “Barley Ear” was produced here. It was bottled in 100-liter wooden barrels. Soon the range of the enterprise was replenished with kvass and mineral water, and beer began to be supplied in glass bottles.

In Soviet times, traditional beer varieties were brewed at the Cheboksary plant: Zhigulevskoye, Rizhskoye, Moskovskoye, Velvet, etc. In the 90s, the enterprise was privatized and renamed Buket Chuvashii OJSC. At the same time, an active modernization of production was launched: modern bottling lines were installed at the plant (including for kegs and PET bottles), production of pasteurized beer was mastered, workshops were reconstructed with the installation of German equipment.

In the 2000s, the company’s product portfolio expanded significantly. New lines of beer and kvass of natural fermentation appeared in it. In 2006, the Foam Collection, beloved by consumers, was launched. After the installation of the Italian bottling line, Buket Chuvashia OJSC began to produce canned beer. Today, the company continues to delight customers with a diverse range of high-quality foamy drinks, kvass and mineral waters.

Production specifics

The specialists of the Buket Chuvashia plant strictly monitor the selection of ingredients and adherence to technologies:

  1. The company prepares malt on its own, using malting barley for its production. During germination, the grain is turned every 12 hours, carefully monitoring the temperature, humidity and volume of incoming air. Before crushing, the malt is cleaned of impurities and debris.

  2. Brewing water with an optimal pH level, a high content of calcium and magnesium ions is extracted from our own well, after which it is cleaned with filters and disinfected.

  3. The wort is boiled in the “Merlin – Whirlpool” system from the company “Steineker”. German equipment significantly improves the organoleptic and taste characteristics of raw materials, qualitatively clarifying it and reducing the processing time to 35 minutes.

  4. The fermentation period of young beer is from 1 to 7 days. The duration of fermentation depends on the type of drink: it lasts from 6 to 40 days.

  5. For filtration, kieselguhr and membrane filters are used, which qualitatively remove turbidity and provide transparency to the finished product.

Species overview

The beer line of the plant allows every lover of foam to choose their ideal taste:

  1. Bouquet of Chuvashia

    The flagship of the collection, distinguished by a noble color, pleasant hop aroma, pronounced bitterness and a delicate wine flavor.

    The composition, in addition to the classic beer ingredients, includes rice groats. Fortress: 6,8%.

  2. Bouquet of Chuvashia Wheat

    An unfiltered pasteurized drink with a delicate fruity and hoppy bouquet with a mild bitterness and a light yeasty note.

    The recipe includes 2 types of malt: wheat and barley. Fortress: 4,5%.

  3. Cheboksarskoe

    Light beer brewed according to the old Chuvash technology. Laureate of international exhibitions.

    It has a soft bouquet with hop notes and slight bitterness. Includes 2 types of malt: barley and rye. Fortress: 5,1%.

  4. Festive bouquet of Chuvashia

    Light amber drink brewed according to old German brewing traditions.

    Combines mild hoppy bitterness with aromatic sweetness of malt.

    Differs in a lush head of foam and a refreshing taste. Fortress: 5%.

  5. Visiting

    Golden beer with a snow-white head of foam is the hallmark of the Chuvash plant, which won over the jury of many specialized competitions.

    Surprises with soft malty taste and fresh aroma. Contains cornmeal. Fortress: 5,1%.

  6. Live

    Aromatic unpasteurized light beer with a pronounced hoppy character and characteristic bitterness. Fortress: 4,7%.

  7. Lady Night

    Dark amber beer made on the basis of 2 varieties of malt: light barley and caramel.

    It has a delicate aroma, soft velvety taste and subtle hop bitterness. Fortress: 5,7%.

  8. Non-alcoholic

    Light beer for those who are forced to refrain from the traditional version of the drink.

    Contains 2 types of malt: light barley and caramel. Fortress: up to 0,5%.

  9. Foam collection

    Includes 9 drinks that form a particularly dense and persistent head of foam.

    It is represented by light and dark varieties, barley and wheat. The fortress varies from 0,5% (in non-alcoholic) to 7,1% (in Foam Strong).

  10. Traditional collection

    Consists of 6 classic drinks that have been very popular over the years.

    Among them: favorite Soviet brands “Zhigulevskoe” and “Prazhskoe” and 2 types of “Ker Sari” dedicated to the Chuvash beer festival.

Relevance: 31.08.2019

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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