Bouquet ideas for March 8

Bouquet ideas for March 8

How and from what you can make beautiful flowers – a selection of holiday ideas for needlewomen.

Bouquet ideas

Pink flowers on branches

To create these delicate pink flowers, you will need tracing paper or tissue paper, which is folded and cut in a specific way. Flowers are fixed on the branches with glue.

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Unfading tulip

Old pieces of wallpaper will do for this project – some will be used to make a bud, others will make leaves. Tulips can be placed in a vase or pot filled with shells or glass stones.

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This is the name of the type of festive bow, which is used to decorate gifts. To master the technique of creating a chrysanthemum from a ribbon, as well as learn how to tie other bows, see our master class.

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Spring bouquet of buttons and felt

It won’t take you long to create this cheerful bouquet. For work, you will need trimmings of colored felt, bright buttons, wire for the stem and a little imagination.

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Hairpins with roses

This hairpin will be a great gift for a fashionista of any age. The hairpin itself is hidden in a felt case, which is decorated with decorative stitching along the edge. The rose is collected from felt petals.

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Flowers brooches

Volumetric giant flowers will look spectacular not only as a brooch, they can be used to decorate a sofa cushion or curtain holder.

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Roses from braid

To roll such a bud, you need a braid or a strip cut from fabric. In the second case, the knocked-out threads will add charm to the resulting rose.

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Blanks for a flower are cut out of felt, gathered together and fastened with a button. The gold line along the edges of the petals is made using a special volumetric contour for the fabric.

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Carnations from tracing paper

This delicate bouquet of the finest tracing paper can compete in beauty with a live carnation. In addition, such a composition has one indisputable advantage – it does not fade.

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Paper roses in 5 minutes

Another variation on the theme of branches decorated with paper flowers. An unusual and stylish decoration for a festive table is made in a matter of minutes.

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Origami flowers

To create one such flower, you will need 5 sheets of paper and no more than 5 minutes. The petals are folded individually and then put back together.

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What is it – chrysanthemum, dandelion or garlic flower – in principle it does not matter. The main thing is fun, simple and unusual. Take out the woolen threads and wrap the pom-poms thicker!

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It is enough to download the blank, cut the rose out of paper and paste it into the fold of the postcard accordingly. A pleasant surprise gift is ready!

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Sakura branch

Believe it or not – each flower on a branch is folded using origami technique! Agree, the result is impressive. For those wishing to repeat this feat – detailed recommendations.

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Blooming pillow

An armchair or sofa will only benefit if this cheerful pillow rests on it. Shuttlecocks are collected from felt and sewn along the center line of the front blank.

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