Botox injections for the face: expert

The experts shared their opinion on the injections, and whether to do it or not is up to you.

Botulinum toxin is the world’s most popular anti-wrinkle treatment. Its story began in 1950, when doctors were able to prove that when injected into a muscle, it relaxes for a while. 30 years later, ophthalmologists noted that the injection of the drug not only cured spasms, but also smoothed wrinkles. Since then, Botox has become the best friend of all girls of all ages.

I was offered to inject Botox into my forehead when I was 19. This was my first visit to a beautician, and when she saw my shallow wrinkle in the forehead, she almost immediately took out a syringe with botulinum toxin. For fear of injections, I refused and almost ran away from the doctor’s office. Then I thought for a long time: “Maybe it was worth it?”

Now, looking at my small wrinkle, I still wondered when is the best time to get the first injection? Do you need to inject botulinum toxin at 20 to prevent deep wrinkles, experts said.

Aisulu Tokayeva, dermatovenerologist, chief physician of Aesthetica Beauty Boutique:

1. For a long time and successfully neurologists in their practice use drugs “Botox” and “Dysport”. And I must say that their injection dosages are absolutely incomparable with those used in cosmetology. Other conditions and the dose of the drug is different. For example, in infantile cerebral palsy, dosages sometimes reach 200-270 units (units), but not more than 300 units of Botox.

And “Dysport” – no more than 1000 units.

Therefore, for several decades, people all over the planet received the opportunity to receive treatment or a serious improvement in their condition (spastic torticollis, blepharospasm, spasticity of the arm muscles after a stroke).

2. Muscles are positioned differently and work with differences. Let’s not forget about genetic characteristics.

For example, a young girl with incredibly mobile facial expressions turned to me. The muscles of the forehead work so that the forehead is like a Shar Pei. Of course, in this patient, the use of botulinum toxins is indicated. The question is what? To begin with, which of these three drugs? Of those that I have designated for myself, “Botox”, “Dysport” and “Xeomin” have been drugs for a long time. I would start working with Xeomin. If everything is fine, the drug holds brightly and beautifully, then I recommend sticking to it.

3. To our great regret, today in modern cosmetology there is no drug that gives a more targeted and accurate result of working with muscles.

Julia Chernyshova, Lancôme National Nursing Expert:

1. Detoxification doctors say Botox is poison and recommend that young girls use skincare products that are high in natural ingredients. It is foolish to deliberately litter your body when it already happens under the influence of poor nutrition, stress and the environment. High levels of toxins are a sure way to cellulite, body fat and kidney stones. The body can resist this, but in the course of this struggle it inevitably wears out and begins to function worse.

2. The probability of a medical error remains, even when a professional gets down to business. In the worst case, this can lead to partial and irreversible paralysis.

3. Botox can cause serious side effects. The most common case is migraine. It is especially acute after the first injection.

4. Botox requires many restrictions. We’ll have to forget about alcohol, saunas and long flights. Also, “Botox” is incompatible with some medicines. Among them is aspirin.

5. After Botox is injected into one area of ​​the face, wrinkles will inevitably form in another. Muscles that have not been paralyzed by the injection begin to compensate for the immobile areas. As a result, new wrinkles appear.


What to do if at the age of 20 you have such active facial expressions that you can see with the naked eye how a wrinkle is formed between the eyebrows or on the forehead. In this case, you can start by using creams with peptides that block these muscles well, but at the same time allow you to maintain control over the situation. Whenever you try to frown, you will feel a clear obstacle.

In general, from a young age, it is better to accustom the skin to proper care, namely cleansing and toning, the use of day and night care, specialized skin care for the eye contour, matched to skin type. Also, do not forget about masks, they will help to solve specific skin problems and enhance the effect of the care. A properly selected skin care program will help you postpone your visit to the beauty parlor for many years.

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