Botox for wet hands. What does the treatment for hyperhidrosis look like?

While we all sweat, and it’s perfectly normal, shaking hands with a wet hand can be embarrassing. Some people sweat too much. Botox turns out to be helpful.

Sweat glands – do they work?

Sweat secretion is a physiological process. It is produced by the sweat glands on our skin. There may be 2 to 3 million of them. Most are located in the armpits, on the sole of the foot and on the palm of the hand. We produce from half to one and a half liters of sweat a day, and even more during strenuous effort.

Sweat glands work non-stop, because with sweat the body gets rid of toxins and harmful metabolic products, and at the same time, thanks to sweating, it maintains the right body temperature.

Hyperhidrosis – when can we talk about it?

– We talk about hyperhidrosis when the body secretes more sweat than it needs – explains Anna Nejno, a family doctor and specialist in aesthetic medicine. – Excessive sweating may be the result of an illness, so you should consult a doctor – he explains. However, the most common cases of excessive sweating of the hands are of nervous origin.

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Sweating of the hands can be reduced by using special deodorants available in pharmacies, containing e.g. talc, but palmar sweating is still quite a difficult and embarrassing ailment. – Botox, or sausage venom, may be the solution to the problem – explains Dr. Nejno.

Sausage venom – is it dangerous?

In fact, sausage venom is not produced in the sausage at all. It is produced by bacteria that occur, inter alia, in in poorly prepared canned food and cans. Since sausage was once preserved, it was called botulism. It is a very strong poison. Death from botulism occurs as a result of paralysis of the respiratory muscles. There were even work on biological weapons using botulinum toxin.

Sausage venom and hyperhidrosis

More than a hundred years have passed since the discovery of botulinum botulinum bacteria. At that time, it was no longer just a poison. Today it is used in medicine, incl. for the elimination of contracture in children with cerebral palsy, in the fight against seizures of various origins, facial spasms and strabismus.

Scientists are working on the use of botulin in diseases such as migraine or overactive bladder. For almost 20 years, botulinum toxin has been used in aesthetic medicine to straighten wrinkles, but also to treat hyperhidrosis.

Botox for hands – how does it work?

To get rid of hyperhidrosis, you can inject botox into sweating areas. – The lagging toxin paralyzes the nerve endings responsible for sweat production. As a result, we do not sweat in the injected places – explains Dr. Nejno.

Worth knowing

Botox blocks sweat production for several months, in some people even for a year. Then the treatment must be repeated. You can inject not only the hands, but also the armpits.

Before you decide on the procedure, you can try a mixture of herbs for hyperhidrosis. It contains lemon balm or lovage root, which affect the functioning of sweat glands

Botox for hands – what does the treatment look like?

The treatment is best performed by a specialist in aesthetic medicine. Before the botox injection, you can anesthetize the area that will be punctured with a special ointment. Then the doctor marks the places where he will make punctures with a crayon. Then, using a very thin needle, he injects a small amount of botulinum solution into 10-15 places 1 cm apart, evenly covering the palm area.

The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes. After about a week, the amount of sweat you sweat decreases significantly. The cost of one treatment: 1,5-2 thousand. zloty.

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