Let’s talk about the pros and cons of Botox, and what consequences a procedure performed by a non-professional at home can have.
What is Botox for the face
Every woman dreams of a smooth face and neck without a single wrinkle, but age still takes its toll. And if you really like to laugh or frown, then facial wrinkles can become pronounced even by the age of 20. Botox for the face, which for many years has been considered the most effective and popular non-surgical rejuvenation method, helps to quickly and relatively permanently get rid of wrinkles.
In general, Botox is a generalized name for drugs based on botulinum toxin type A. In nature, this is one of the most powerful poisons that causes botulism, and was originally treated for strabismus, spasms of the eye and facial muscles. Soon, doctors noted that after injections, the skin of the face is smoothed. So botulinum toxin (more precisely, its purified and stabilized version) began to be used in cosmetology for the correction of facial wrinkles and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).
Botox works like this: it is injected deep into the muscle, after which the transmission of nerve impulses is blocked in it. The muscle relaxes, stops contracting, and the skin above it smoothes out. At the same time, neighboring muscles are not affected, so the face does not completely lose facial expressions and does not resemble a mask.
The effectiveness of Botox for the face
Botox injections will get rid of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows, wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, lowered eyebrows, wrinkles in the nose, crow’s feet around the eyes, “Venus rings” (age wrinkles on the neck). With the help of Botox, the beautician can lift the drooping corners of the mouth or correct the asymmetry of the face caused by blepharospasm.
The smoothing effect after Botox injections can already be seen the next day, and the final result can be assessed after 2 weeks. You can forget about wrinkles for 3-6 months, after which the drug is absorbed. It is also worth noting that it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of very deep wrinkles with the help of Botox, but only to smooth them out as much as possible.
- Quick effect (noticeable the very next day after the procedure).
- The face does not turn into a mask, the mobility of the muscles is preserved.
- Effectively transforms and rejuvenates facial features.
- A fairly safe procedure (provided that it is carried out by a professional with a certified drug).
- Painless (injections are administered intramuscularly, not subcutaneously, an anesthetic cream is used as an anesthetic).
- Fast recovery period.
- Affordable price (on average, a unit of Botox costs about 150-300 rubles).
- The effect lasts no more than 6 months, after which the procedure will need to be repeated.
- The procedure should only be performed by a professional.
- Does not completely eliminate deep wrinkles and creases.
- There are contraindications (prior consultation with a doctor is necessary).
How is the botox facial procedure performed?
A week before the procedure, it is advisable to stop taking blood thinners (aspirin) and antibiotics, as well as to refrain from alcohol and cigarettes. Before the procedure itself, the cosmetologist finds out from the patient how he feels, whether there are acute or chronic diseases, allergic reactions, tells in detail about the effect of Botox, possible consequences and notifies about contraindications to the procedure.
Next, the specialist proceeds to the examination – he studies the structural features of the face, marks out problem areas and injection sites, and calculates the number of units of Botox for the procedure.
Procedure itself
First, the skin of the face is thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics and impurities and treated with an antiseptic. Next, the beautician applies an anesthetic cream to the injection zones to reduce pain. Then, the drug is injected into the selected points using disposable syringes. When the drug is injected into each area, the patient is asked to make faces in order to engage the necessary muscles.
The whole procedure takes no more than 20 minutes, after which the skin is once again treated with an antiseptic.
After Botox injections, a few simple recommendations should be followed so that the recovery is quick and painless.
- Immediately after the procedure, you need to be in an upright position for 3-4 hours.
- Within 30 minutes after the Botox injection, you should not squint, smile strongly, frown, etc.
- Do not touch or massage the injection sites.
- Do not go to the sauna, bath, do not stay in a hot shower for a long time, do not apply hot compresses or warming masks to your face for 1-2 weeks after the procedure.
- It is better to give up alcohol and antibiotics for two weeks after the procedure,
Also, after 2 weeks, you need to come for a second appointment with a cosmetologist who will evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure and, if necessary, prescribe an additional correction.
Service price
Prices for the Botox procedure vary in salons, but not significantly. The average price for one unit of the drug is 150-300 rubles (depending on which drug is used).
Where is held
Botox injections can only be done by a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon, and only after passing the appropriate training, confirmed by certificates and other documents. Botox is an injection technique that cannot be performed at home, but only in a beautician’s office, where all sanitary standards are observed, and all surfaces and tools are thoroughly disinfected. Also, the packaging of the drug should be opened only in the presence of the patient, and the drug itself should have all the certificates.
Can I do at home
The Botox procedure at home is prohibited, since it is impossible to fully comply with all sanitary standards in the apartment, as well as provide first aid if unexpected complications arise during the procedure.
Before and after photos
The effects of Botox on the face
Botox injections are very rare, but there are side effects and complications. Edema and hematomas may appear at the injection sites, spasm or ptosis of the eyelids, and drooping of the eyebrows. Sometimes the patient may notice that the lips (especially the upper one) do not seem to obey. Rarely, headache, weakness, or nausea occur. As a rule, all these side effects go away on their own within 2-5 days. Most often, the negative consequences of Botox occur if the procedure was performed by a non-professional, or the patient neglected the recommendations for the recovery period.
Reviews of cosmetologists about Botox for the face
– Botox is a drug that disrupts the transmission of impulses from the nerve ending to the muscle, thereby relaxing it. Just one injection of Botox, and wrinkles are smoothed out, and the habit of frowning disappears. Most often, injections are used in the forehead, between the eyebrows, the corners of the eyes, and the neck. Botox is effective in the fight against purse-string wrinkles (around the mouth and above the upper lip), as well as hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). One of the advantages of the procedure is that, due to its ability to relax the muscles, Botox completely smoothes fine dynamic wrinkles, and makes deep ones less noticeable. The effect of the procedure is already noticeable the next day, and the final result can be assessed in two weeks. Thanks to Botox, the habit of frowning disappears, and even when the effect of the injection ends, this addiction may not return for a long time. The disadvantages of the procedure can only be attributed to the fact that facial expressions become not so rich, and even if you want to frown very much, it will be impossible to do this, – lists cosmetologist with 9 years of experience Regina Akhmerova.