Boswellia serrata “joint healer”

What is Boswellia?

Boswellia serrata joint healer

Boswellia (Indian frankincense) is a small tree that grows in hot tropical climates. The maximum height of the tree reaches 8 meters. They belong directly to the Burzer family, evergreen trees with characteristic flowering. There are about 30 subspecies of the Boswellia series. However, real incense can only be obtained from specific varieties. 

By incising the trunk of the Boswellia sacra tree, one can obtain a viscous odorous liquid. With uniform solidification, the substance turns into incense. It has long been used in the manufacture of incense, without losing popularity to this day. All religious rituals are carried out with the help of fragrant incense. The first mention of the incense tree is seen in the Gospel.

Boswellia serrata is another type of plant from which odorous resin can be obtained. The Latin name is Boswellia serrata. The substance is distinguished not only by its characteristic aroma, but also by its medicinal properties. For three millennia, Indian medicine has been practicing this method to get rid of ailments and inflammatory processes. If we compare the plant with the previous species, then Boswellia sacra has a more persistent smell of incense. Boswellia serrata copes better with diseases and has a positive effect on a person’s well-being. The plant has confirmed its positive effect on joint problems, nervous diseases and disorders, inflammation of any kind.

An odorous liquid that hardens in the air is also released from Boswellia papyrifera (papyrus boswellia) and frereana (Coptic incense). It is easy to extract fragrant resins from wood – the trunk is cut. This cutting does not cause severe harm to the plant, and a person has the opportunity to benefit from a pale liquid with a tarry consistency.

Useful properties of boswellia

Boswellia serrata joint healer

A unique plant is very useful, due to the presence of a huge number of biologically active components. Boswellia is capable of:

  • To produce the effect of anesthesia, significantly reducing the unpleasant painful sensations.

  • To have an anti-inflammatory effect that extends to all systems of the human body due to the presence of boswellic acid, which blocks the activity of leukotriene hormones responsible for the formation of inflammatory processes.

  • Detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora.

  • Normalize the functioning of the nervous system, relieve depression.

  • Restore the integrity of blood vessels and strengthen their walls, improving blood circulation.

  • Relieve symptoms in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is included in therapy in the treatment of stomach ulcers and other ailments.

  • Serve as an anticancer agent, Boswellia is often included in the treatment regimen for certain forms of cancer.

  • Provide anti-allergic effect.

  • Relieve asthma.

  • Reduce the clinical manifestations of gout and rheumatism.

  • Enter into complex therapy in the treatment of inflammation in the oral cavity (caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease).

  • To have an antiseptic effect in certain catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract.

3 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Boswellia Serrata

Boswellia serrata joint healer

  1. Osteoarthritis. Separate studies show that taking Boswellia extract (ApresFLEX (Aflapin), Wokvel, 5-Loxin) can reduce pain by 65% ​​and significantly improve the ability to move in patients with osteoarthritis of the joints. Other experiments show that the use of combined preparations with Boswellia extract and other plant components improves the symptoms of the above disease.

  2. Damage to the skin after radiation therapy. Studies show that the regular use of a skin cream with 2% Boswellia extract (Indena SpA by Bosexil) during special therapy prevents extensive reddening of the skin.

  3. Ulcerative colitis. The use of Boswellia in some people has a beneficial effect on the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. The effect of the extract is equated to the prescription drug sulfasalazine. Individual cases have shown that it can cause remission in 70-82% of patients.

The secret of the beneficial properties of Boswellia

Boswellia serrata joint healer

The positive effect on the human body is explained by the unique chemical composition of Boswellia, which is extracted from a tropical tree. If we take into account the percentage, then the resin represents 50-66%, and the gum – 35-47%. Essential oils in the composition from 3% to 8%, depending on the number of the first two components. All components contain substances that have specific healing effects.


Terpenes are carbohydrates found directly in essential oils. Terpenes contribute to the restoration of skin cells and internal organs, and also stop the development of the inflammatory process.


Polysaccharides are found in gum. They replenish energy reserves and have a wound-healing effect. Polysaccharides are characterized by an enveloping property. They include galacturonic acid, a polyfunctional compound. Acid is important for the extracellular matrix. The components also contain arabinose and galactose, which are direct participants in metabolic processes.

Boswellic acids

These substances deserve special attention. Boswellic acids have an anti-inflammatory effect and are very beneficial for joints. They minimize the risk of penetration of leukocytes into the interarticular fluid and cartilage, preventing their possible destruction. An experiment conducted on rats showed that boswellic acids do not allow reborn cells to grow, therefore they are very effective in the fight against cancer. Substances also protect the liver, therefore they serve as an excellent hepatoprotector.

Incensol acetate

As a result of the ignition of incense, incensol acetate is released. Inhaling the aroma of this substance, a person relaxes and completely calms down. This effect on the body explains the use of incense to achieve a state of relaxation.

There is no special secret of the uniqueness of the plant, this is facilitated by its useful components. Boswellia resin purposefully solves specific health problems and has a positive effect on a person’s well-being, mood and emotions.


Boswellia serrata joint healer

Boswellia extract has been scientifically proven to have a wide range of health benefits. Of the contraindications, one fact can be pointed out: the plant is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to biologically active elements from the composition of Boswellia. The organism of such patients may react poorly to taking the extract, an allergic rash or gastric upset may be observed.

Before using supplements and preparations based on medicinal Boswellia, it is necessary to consult a doctor and analyze the medical picture.

Especially this recommendation applies to people suffering from:

  • Vitiligo.

  • Systemic lupus.

  • Psoriasis.

  • Parkinson’s disease.

  • Oncological diseases.

  • Multiple sclerosis.

Expert advice is also recommended:

  • breastfeeding mothers;

  • People with allergic reactions;

  • Pregnant women.

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