Boss and subordinate: how to build a relationship

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Here is a relevant topic: the boss and the subordinate, how to build relationships in the team. Each of us sooner or later becomes a subordinate or leader.

Manager and subordinate

Who is a boss and what can he be? This is an official whose activities are not only in the performance of their own duties, but also in differentiating the duties of a certain work collective, checking the timely completion of tasks.

The chef can be a wonderful hardworking specialist, cheerful, wonderful person who easily makes contact. Or maybe a closed, aggressive, not sociable person.

“Heavy boss”

As with any interpersonal relationship, an employment relationship is dependent on both parties. The position of “boss and subordinate” is characterized by the emergence of many contradictions regarding professional responsibilities and personal ambitions.

Boss and subordinate: how to build a relationship

Most often, these contradictions arise precisely in communication with a complex leader. This can be explained by the fact that the employee, understanding the role of the leader, is trying to adapt to his rules, wishes, tasks, in order to only stay in the workplace.

Many people believe that a person with a difficult character is one who does not want to make contact. Or one who is too emotional, has an imperfect upbringing and does not know how to communicate with others.

That is, the phrase “he has a difficult character” often serves as an excuse not to recognize himself as a weakling who could not find a common language with the leader. For such a person, typical features may be:

  • aggressiveness;
  • closedness;
  • excessive inertia;
  • lack of interest in their activities;
  • refusal to cooperate.

These qualities are traced manifestations of character in various areas of life, primarily professional.

Having identified the traits that are typical for a difficult leader, let us dwell on the reasons. There are many of them. Perhaps they are related to past or present events.

It is impossible to find the reasons for the manifestation of a complex character, since it is unprofessional, ugly and wrong to dive into the inner world of the chef.

The manifestation of such interest is a violation of the communication distance in this type of relationship. After all, the reason may be a consequence of the shock suffered in childhood. Or is associated with difficult periods of life, life trials.

Good bad man

The term “difficult leader” should not be correlated with the concept of “bad leader”. The presence of a complex nature, in a positive way, can be directed towards joint work activities.

That is, when a subordinate knows that his boss is a person with a difficult character who can inadequately or too severely react to an incorrect or untimely task, then his diligence and labor productivity turns out to be much higher.

Here the leader immediately set himself up as a person with whom it is difficult to find a compromise. He clearly gives orders and demands their immediate and error-free execution in a timely manner, not allowing, as they say, to “ride on himself.” This kind of firmness is sometimes needed by some employers.

Finding that your leader is a difficult person is better off right away. Most employees believe that they can see through their boss and know what to expect from him.

But sometimes this may not be the case at all. A difficult boss can be both a positive impetus to activity and an incentive to manifest a negative attitude towards their professional activities. The character of any person is not always noticeable at first glance.

The noted traits of a difficult boss, such as aggressiveness, isolation, refusal to compromise, are most often inherent in him. The reasons for their manifestation cannot be disclosed, since this information is embedded in the personal consciousness of the individual.

A person may know this, or not know, remember or not remember. In any case, the employee must respect the peculiarities of the character and activities of his employer.

Each of us plays a role in interpersonal communication. And any relationship will surely undergo changes if one of the participants changes his role. We must always remember that the most important thing is respect. Without mutual respect between employees of any rank, nothing will happen in any field of activity.


In this video interesting and additional information “The boss and the subordinate: how to build a relationship.”

I’m the boss, you fool! How to work with DULL LEADERS? Vladimir Yakuba. ADVICE.

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