Bort honey: composition, value, description, useful properties + how to take and store bee honey, definition of counterfeit

Many summer residents saw the apiary live and, perhaps, followed the process of pumping it out. Honey lovers know that it is produced by bees not only from pollen, but also from the excrement of insects that eat flowers and leaves. From our article you will learn what wild honey is and how it differs from ordinary honey.

Characteristic features of wild honey

Studying the history of Ancient Our Country, one can often come across the words “beekeeping” and “beekeeping”. So, beekeeping is the oldest form of beekeeping. Today bees are domesticated and live in hives in the apiary. And in the old days, honey was extracted from the nests of wild bees located in hollows (boards).

Airborne honey is an absolutely natural, environmentally friendly and extremely useful product. Today it is mined in a few countries: Nepal, India, Philippines. On the territory of Our Country, bee honey is mined in Bashkiria. In the Shulgan-Tash reserve, a rare variety of wild-hive honey is mined, which is listed in the Red Book. Bees from the Bashkir reserve are also called Burzyansky.

Bortevoy honey has a bright aroma, which harmoniously combines the smells of flowers, berries and wax. The rich amber color has small light and dark blotches, so it can become chocolate or white over time.

Bort honey: composition, value, description, useful properties + how to take and store bee honey, definition of counterfeit
Beekeeping is the oldest form of beekeeping

The composition and calorie content of the product

Like the composition of any other product, the composition and ratio of the components of wild-hive honey differ depending on the region where the bees live and the plants from which the pollen is collected. The usual composition of the product looks something like this:

  • 82% of glucose;
  • 19% moisture;
  • 1% proteins, enzymes, amino acids;
  • 1% vitamins;
  • 1% minerals.

Also, honey contains a lot of micro and macro elements, in particular potassium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, fluorine, copper. Enriched with vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants. However, the highlight of the product is the waste products of bees: wax, propolis, bee venom, royal jelly, perga and zabrus.

The calorie content of the product is quite high – about 400 kcal per 100 g.  

Bort honey: composition, value, description, useful properties + how to take and store bee honey, definition of counterfeit
The main components of wild honey

Medicinal and beneficial properties

The healing and beneficial properties of any product are specified by one “but” – everything should be in moderation. Uncontrolled intake will not only not bring benefits, but can also harm. In general, the benefits of the product are as follows:

  • increasing the body’s immunity;
  • stimulation of cerebral circulation;
  • body toning;
  • improvement of the state of the digestive tract;
  • improvement of the psychological state of a person: treatment of neuroses, insomnia, stress and breakdowns;
  • promoting the restoration of cardiac tissues;
  • cleansing the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances.

For women

The presence in the composition of royal and drone jelly contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background of any person. The use of bee honey during pregnancy helps to cope with the symptoms of toxicosis. Also, sweetness has an excellent anti-aging effect.

The enriched composition of honey is also appreciated by cosmetologists: expensive natural cosmetics for the face and body contain extracts from wild-caught honey.

For men

Regular normalized consumption of honey helps to increase the degree of endurance of the body. Due to this quality, the product is often included in the diet of athletes with intense loads and an exhausting tight training and competition schedule. Sweetness is also useful for those who, due to their professional activities, suffer from migraines and dizziness.

Video “The value of wild-caught honey”

This video talks about the nutritional and beneficial properties of the product.

The price and value of on-board honey

Useful tips and tricks

The high cost and rarity of airborne honey are reflected in the collection, storage and use of the product.

How honey is harvested from wild bees

The process of harvesting wild-caught honey is not only laborious, but also dangerous. Wild swarms of angry bees can cause not only irreparable harm to human health, but also provoke death due to anaphylactic shock. Therefore, the following features of the process should be taken into account:

  • for collection, you need to choose the most reliable protective equipment (overalls, gloves and a special hat with a mesh);
  • be sure to use a special smoker for bees;
  • you should not take all the honey, you need to leave a good supply so that the swarm has food until the next season.

The process itself is straightforward: the beekeeper climbs a tree, removes the honeycombs and puts them in a bowl.

All devices and containers for honey must be wooden.

Author’s advice

Methods for detecting counterfeit

A popular product always has a lot of fakes. Therefore, when choosing, we advise you first of all to focus on the price of honey – a rare sweetness will never be cheap. Also be sure to ask about the origin of honey.

The following tips will help you choose a quality product:

  1. The consistency of beet honey is very thick.
  2. Excessive sweetness and astringency of taste, after which there is an aftertaste of astringency.
  3. Color – amber, light or dark.
  4. Intense lasting aroma – a mixture of grass, wood and resin.
  5. Heterogeneity of the substance – an admixture of wax, pollen, etc.

Be sure to purchase goods from trusted sellers or at fairs. And check the quality certificates.

How to use wild honey

The use of on-board honey has its own characteristics:

  1. For the purpose of treatment and prevention, the product is consumed on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals: adults – 3 tsp each, children – no more than 1 tsp.
  2. You can drink warm water or tea.
  3. Do not dissolve honey in hot water.
  4. Use the product only on the advice of a doctor.

There are not so many recipes for healthy drinks with honey: honey water and linden tea. In the first case, a spoonful of honey is added to a glass of warm water and left to infuse until morning. Drink this water on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals. In the second case, honey is added to warm tea.

Product storage features

Honey should be stored only in wooden, clay and glass containers that are tightly closed. The product is stored in a dark place at a temperature not higher than +10 °C and not lower than 0 °C.

Bort honey: composition, value, description, useful properties + how to take and store bee honey, definition of counterfeit
Store the useful product in tightly closed containers.

Contraindications to use

People prone to allergies and children under 2 years of age are not recommended to consume honey. You should also be careful for people with various chronic diseases, pregnant and lactating women. It is forbidden to take honey and products from it for patients with bronchial asthma and diabetes.

Any useful product in excessive quantities can be dangerous. Therefore, you should not use honey often and for a long time, but it is better – only on the recommendation of a doctor.

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