
Borshchevka is a gastronomic vodka produced by BryanskSpirtProm LLC. The product is made according to the author’s recipe and is based on natural ingredients that are part of borscht. The manufacturer calls “Borschevka” noble vodka. In Russia, strong drinks for the upper classes were made according to a special technology, paying special attention to thorough cleaning and taste.

Historical reference. The Bryansk plant was founded in 1899. The external appearance of the building has not changed since then; at present, the buildings are considered a monument of ancient industrial architecture. In order to launch the production of premium drinks, the company underwent a complete technical modernization. Only natural raw materials are used in production. Water is extracted from our own artesian well. A strong drink is purified through carbon-silver filters, which improves its taste.

Borshchevka appeared in 2015 and belongs to the category of craft vodkas. The product is made by maceration, when each alcohol is infused separately on plant components. They use vegetables and spices related to traditional Russian cuisine. The product goes through eight stages of purification. Fragrant infusions are blended in certain proportions, which depend on the variety.


  • PRODEXPO 2015, Moscow – gold and two silver medals.

Interesting Facts

  1. Almost every landowner in pre-revolutionary Russia could treat guests to strong drinks of their own production. Vodka insisted on natural vegetables and fruits, had a unique taste and was called “noble”.
  2. In the production of “Borschevka” copper alabama is used. Distillation through the apparatus makes it possible to obtain crystal-clear aromatic spirits, from which vodka does not lose its transparency and luster.
  3. Glass containers for “Borschevka” are brought from France, and the design of the labels was developed by Polish craftsmen. Decorated bottles are equipped with a polymer cap with a retractable valve. Additionally, the date of bottling is applied.

Types of vodka Borschevka

All varieties are made on alcohol class “Lux”, differ in composition and types of snacks.

Borschevka Original, 40%

The composition includes alcohol infusions of fresh cabbage, rye bread, garlic, pepper and bay leaf. The manufacturer does not recommend strongly cooling the product – this way the taste is lost. The ideal serving temperature is +15 °C. The bouquet has a pronounced smell of cabbage and spices. The drink is easy to drink, bread notes can be traced in the aftertaste. The manufacturer recommends using this variety with classic borscht, beetroot, pancakes with red fish, dumplings and lard with garlic.

Borschevka With chill, 40%

Peppermint extract is responsible for the name. Alcohols infused with onions, celery, and cabbage are used. Spicy add dill, coriander and allspice. Vodka with a mild and refreshing taste is suitable for barbecue, boiled potatoes and okroshka. The drink leaves a cool aftertaste.

Borschevka With a spark, 40%

In production, a larger percentage of pepper alcohols is used. Added infusions of garlic, cabbage and bay leaf. The taste is soft and warming, fragrant and hot peppers are clearly felt. A strong drink should be served chilled to +15 ° C and consumed with a spicy and hot snack – meat hodgepodge, boiled pork and stewed brisket.


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