The beautiful boletus is an inedible tubular mushroom belonging to the Boletaceae family, the genus Rubroboletus. Another name is the most beautiful boletus.

What beautiful mushrooms look like

Mushroom boletus beautiful has an attractive appearance.

The cap size is from 7,5 to 25 cm in diameter. Color – from reddish and brick shades to olive brown. The shape is hemispherical, the surface is slightly pubescent.

The leg is swollen, thick. The height reaches 15 cm, the diameter is 10 cm. The color is almost the same as that of the hat, the lower part is covered with a dark red mesh.

Borovik is beautiful: what it looks like, where it grows, photo

The flesh is yellow, dense, turning blue at the fracture site. The smell is unexpressed or slightly spicy.

The tubular layer of the beautiful boletus is yellow-green. The tubes are yellow-green, 0,5-1,5 cm long. The pores are angular, blood-red, turn blue when pressed. Spores fusiform, brown powder.

This mushroom can be confused with the conditionally edible wolf boletus, which is also called false satanic. The latter is smaller in size and color. His hat is lighter, pinkish, the leg is yellowish. The pulp is dense and thick, if you press it, it turns blue. It grows in small groups in deciduous forests, prefers a warm climate and limestone soils. Distributed in Israel and the Mediterranean. According to some reports, it is poisonous when fresh and can be dangerous if it is not subjected to sufficient heat treatment.

Borovik is beautiful: what it looks like, where it grows, photo

Another similar species is pink-purple boletus. It is distinguished by a yellow leg and an uneven color of the cap with grayish spots. The flesh when cut becomes dark blue, almost sulphurous. It has a fruity sour smell. Distributed in the southern regions of Our Country, in Ukraine, and other European countries. Settles in mountainous and hilly areas on calcareous soils. Prefers mixed and broad-leaved forests with beech and oak. Rare, toxic.

Borovik is beautiful: what it looks like, where it grows, photo

Boletus de Gal belongs to similar species. It is poisonous, contains muscarine and can lead to severe poisoning. It has a smaller size, an almost rounded glossy hat with a lilac tint, a spherical or elongated yellowish-pinkish leg with a mesh burgundy pattern.

Borovik is beautiful: what it looks like, where it grows, photo

Another double is a satanic mushroom. Its hat is pillow-shaped to flattened, pale egg or white with a lilac tint and brown stains. The leg is round, dense, tapering upward, yellowish-reddish above, orange-red in the middle, brownish-yellow below. Refers to poisonous. In some European countries, it is considered conditionally edible.

Borovik is beautiful: what it looks like, where it grows, photo

Where beautiful mushrooms grow

The most beautiful boletus is common in North America, especially in the western United States and Canada, in the state of New Mexico. Grows in mixed forests. Forms mycorrhiza with coniferous tree species (rock-bearing, great fir, false yew-leaved).

It bears fruit from the end of summer throughout the autumn.

Is it possible to eat beautiful mushrooms

Refers to inedible and poisonous. Cannot be used for food.

Attention! The beautiful boletus contains toxins that are not fatal, but cause intoxication.

Symptoms of poisoning

The use of the most beautiful mushrooms leads to intoxication with the following symptoms:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • weakness.

The first signs appear after a few hours, with severe poisoning – after 30-60 minutes. The process develops sharply, health is rapidly deteriorating. The severity of poisoning depends on the amount of mushrooms eaten.

There is no information on deaths.

First aid for poisoning

If poisoning is suspected, an ambulance should be called immediately. While waiting for the doctors, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Induce vomiting to clear the stomach of food debris. To do this, you need to drink warm water (3-4 glasses) and press your fingers on the root of the tongue.
  2. In the absence of diarrhea, take an enema to cleanse the intestines.
  3. Drink plenty of liquids: tea, clean cold water.
  4. Take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight).


The beautiful boletus is a poisonous mushroom with a spectacular appearance. Some authors classify it as conditionally edible and recommend boiling it in several waters before cooking.

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