Boron in the Human Body: Symptoms of Deficiency and Excess

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Boron is chemically similar to silicon. Contained in the earth’s crust, sea water, hot springs, mineral lakes. Forms hundreds of its own minerals by binding with oxygen (borates, borosilicates).

In the body, it is present in muscle tissue, bones, blood. Promotes the production of digestive enzymes, improves the absorption of other minerals, and helps balance the pH level.

Boron: beneficial properties

Boron in the Human Body: Symptoms of Deficiency and Excess

First, in medicine, boron is used in the treatment of cancer. The element is saturated with the tumor before irradiation with thermal neurons.

Boosting the brain

This non-metal improves psychomotor functions, focus, learning.

Systematic consumption of less than 1 mg of an element per day leads to a deterioration in memory, analytical skills, and a decrease in concentration. The ratio of the rhythms of the brain is disturbed. Against the background of a deficiency of alpha waves, beta activity increases, which is fraught with an increase in psychoemotional stress.

Strengthening bones

Helps prevent bone loss, promotes the penetration of calcium into cartilage, preventing their deformation and the development of arthritis, osteopenia, osteoporosis. Regulates the production of estrogen (when the level of steroid hormones decreases, bones also become fragile).

Stimulates the production and improves the absorption of vitamin D. In addition to supporting the skeletal system, this element affects the immune function and cognitive processes.

Restoring hormonal balance

Helps balance the concentration of sex hormones. Relieves symptoms of menopause, premenstrual syndrome, increases fertility. Its deficiency is fraught with infertility, erectile dysfunction, birth defects in newborns.

Muscle growth

By activating the production of testosterone, boron increases endurance and energy. Allows you to improve sports performance, quickly recover after training. By promoting high-quality absorption and assimilation of protein, it stimulates the growth of muscle tissue (the element is part of protein supplements).


Orthoboric acid serves as an antiseptic, insecticide, antipruritic agent. Astringent to relieve skin irritation. Used in the treatment of yeast infections.

Antidiabetic properties

Normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates, the work of the pancreas, the production of insulin, increases the sensitivity to the hormone. The lack of an element worsens immunological markers: it provokes an increase in glucose levels, triglyceride concentrations.

Boron deficiency: symptoms

  • drying out of the skin;
  • fragility of bones;
  • muscle cramps;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • muscle weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • memory impairment, defocusing;
  • growth retardation;
  • urolithiasis;
  • anemia;
  • decreased platelet concentration.

In addition to urolithiasis, cognitive decline and bone degeneration, element deficiency is fraught with:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • premature onset of menopause;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • corneal dystrophy.

Boron excess

The optimum is the daily intake of boron in the body in the amount of 1-3 mg. During lactation, the rate can be increased (according to the doctor’s recommendations).

The element obtained with food is excreted by the excretory system. Its concentration in food is far from toxic. Overdose is possible with boron supplements.

An excess of non-metal is signaled by:

  • indigestion;
  • dermatitis, erythema;
  • dehydration;
  • disruption of the kidneys, liver;
  • headache;
  • hair loss;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased anxiety.

An excess of boron threatens immune disorders, enteritis, and the development of tumor processes. A toxic dose for humans that can cause coma and death is 4 g.

What foods contain boron

Boron in the Human Body: Symptoms of Deficiency and ExcessItem is contained in:

  • beans, chickpeas;
  • pecans, walnuts;
  • buckwheat;
  • avocado, bananas;
  • peas, lentils, soybeans;
  • cherries, cherries, plums, apples, peaches, apricots, grapes, figs, kiwi;
  • seafood;
  • coffee beans;
  • unpasteurized milk;
  • potatoes, beets, eggplants, onions, artichokes, corn, cabbage;
  • raisins, prunes;
  • cocoa;
  • dates;
  • red wine;
  • is a component of Essentuki 4, Borzhomi, Polyana Kvasova, Luzhanskaya water.

Why boron is dangerous

It is preferable to obtain boron not from additives, but from natural products in order to avoid accumulation in the body and the manifestation of toxic properties by it. Boron supplementation should be discussed with a doctor, especially in case of kidney and liver diseases, as they affect the metabolism of minerals.

Non-metal slows down the absorption of ascorbic acid. Strengthens the effect of antidiabetic drugs, chondroprotectors, antiseptic, antimicrobial agents. Contraindicated in endometriosis, uterine myoma, breast cancer, prostate cancer.

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