
You can draw, you just don’t know it yet. This is the principle of teaching at the school of painting «Perotti», the founders of which developed an intuitive method of teaching drawing. How it works?

Works of students of the school of painting «Perotti»

The creators of the original method of intuitive painting, Svetlana and Federico Perotti, devoted many years to the study of painting and spiritual practices. “We get such pleasure from drawing that we have always wanted to share this happiness with others. Before creating our own school, we were looking for ways to teach this for a long time so that people would not spend 10 or 20 years on academic education,” says Svetlana. At the Perotti school, any person begins to draw in the first lesson — often he discovers in himself such abilities that he had not suspected before.

“An artist, when he paints, is in a state close to meditative,” the artist explains. – In our classes, you do not have to sit in the lotus position to enter this state. To adjust, we ask students to remember certain sensations, to imagine images. It helps to remove negative thoughts and emotions that inhibit creative energy. The first task that students receive is to choose a color and prime the canvas with paint, remove the white color, which scares many. Simple mechanical movements help to make the canvas its own, native space, and while the artist is doing this, the adjustment takes place. Drawing requires full presence in the moment: attention is concentrated on the movements of the brush, mixing paints, selecting shades — and the endless cycle of (unnecessary) thoughts suddenly stops. There is a very deep and at the same time, natural relaxation. “On this wave, a person begins to write as if he had been painting all his life, he does not even have a shadow of a doubt that he will not succeed now. For the first time, this state is perceived as a miracle. At first it’s just an intuitive flow, but then the students gradually remember their feelings and can return to them faster, they begin to understand which “buttons” to press inside themselves. And with each next picture, this process becomes more and more manageable.

In the classroom, Perotti is taught to find contact with the creative energy that lies in each of us and can manifest itself in all areas of life. “Painting is a tool that helps to quickly release this energy,” says Svetlana. – And to learn to draw means to learn to release it in yourself. We conditionally call this energy the inner artist or the inner child. Such an image helps to feel this living organism in oneself, to love it. First of all, they are taught to awaken the inner artist in themselves, and only then, as necessary, they add some technical tricks.

“From the very beginning, we agree that everyone is equal and everyone is given the same amount of talent, which does not prevent everyone from remaining a bright, unlike any other individual,” continues Svetlana. — When in our classes in a group, students begin to share their impressions of paintings (and these are always positive feelings), the energy is multiplied many times and an unusual atmosphere arises, very favorable for creativity. This is one of those moments for which our students come to us and what fills us with happiness.”

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